Friday, August 2, 2024

Weekly Outlook - GA + small church needs ⛪

Dear readers,

When Jonathan Seitz joined the PC(USA) World Mission program as a mission co-worker in 2009, 314 missionaries served in roughly 60 countries. Today, there are 63. With a denominational hiring freeze in place since 2020, Seitz writes, "When we leave, we know we are unlikely to be replaced."

The PC(USA) is shifting its relationship to world mission. The General Assembly voted earlier this summer to eliminate Mission Advisory Delegates, a role specifically for mission co-workers, in favor of a new “Partner Advisory Delegate,” which will include up to 15 Ecumenical Advisory Delegates and five “Mission Partner Delegates." 

How do we think about missionary work at local, regional and national levels? What does it look like to be missional when resources are shrinking? The PC(USA) is facing some hard questions. I appreciated how Seitz engages them with grace in his opinion piece. 

Happy reading,
Rose Schrott Taylor
Digital Content Editor
Decommissioned: the transformation of PC(USA) World Mission by Jonathan A. Seitz
We say and pray her name: Sonya Massey by Teri McDowell Ott
Overcoming burnout by Aaron Stauffer 
GA considers the needs of the small church by Blake Brinegar

In case you missed it...

At the Olympics, athletes show guts, glory – and a lot of ink, including tattoos that profess their faith
Gustavo Morello, a scholar of religion, writes about tattoos.

What is Catholic Integralism?
Some news reports have referenced vice presidential candidate JD Vance's apparent association with Catholic Integralism. This leads us to ask: what is Catholic Integralism?

CMEP holds prayer vigil before Israel’s prime minister addresses Congress
Churches for Middle East Peace prays for immediate end to violence in Gaza. — PNS

Purposeful Presbyterians
A former moderator reflects on the purpose of General Assembly. — Susan Andrews

Blessed are the Rest of Us: How Limits and Longing Make Us Whole
Micha Boyett invites parents and others operating in high-achievement “hustle” culture to live into a value system embodied by Jesus and exemplified in the Beatitudes. — Sarah S. Scherschligt

The love of being in community
If the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and the second is to love our neighbor as ourselves, then we must stay in community with one another, writes Shani McIlwain.

Missional confirmation: Strengthening youth in their missional identities and vocations
The "Changing the World" confirmation curriculum emphasizes a missional approach to confirmation, commissioning the baptized to serve God’s kingdom and change the world through the Holy Spirit.

The Outlook staff will be off August 5-9 for sabbath
Outlook editor Teri McDowell Ott writes about why the Outlook observes an annual week of shutting down.

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