Friday, August 2, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Indian and Black, Hindu and Baptist: The multiplicities of Kamala Harris

RNS Morning Report

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Indian and Black, Hindu and Baptist: The multiplicities of Kamala Harris

(RNS) — Kamala Harris’ hyphenated identity has become a chance for Americans to discuss how one person can represent multiple religions and races at once.

In seaside Southport, a mosque bears the brunt of UK’s immigrant anxiety

LONDON (RNS) — Misinformation readily spread among groups where Islamophobia has been stoked over immigration fears and amid the Israel-Hamas war.

As the pioneers of modern paganism die, fears grow that their wisdom will be lost

(RNS) — Today’s young Wiccans and witches tune in to social media for community.

Who are the Druze? The Arab minority in Israel mourning children killed by rockets

(RNS) — The victims of the latest bloodiest day in the Israel-Hamas war were neither Jews nor Palestinians, but Druze, a small religious sect native to the Levant.

RNS Opinion

The slow fade of denominational publishing

(RNS) — Shrinking churches means the market for Christian print resources diminishes, too.

Israel’s military drafts ultra-Orthodox Jews, but the battle over serving the ‘army of God’ vs. the army of the state isn’t over

(The Conversation) — The Israel-Hamas war has fueled tensions around military exemptions, but the issue has long roiled Israeli politics.


Police, monks gear up for another battle on Mount Athos

ISTANBUL (RNS) — Over 100 monks deemed schismatic have been living on the holy mountain without authorization since 2002.

AME Zion Church meeting focuses on voting initiative, new bishops

(RNS) — Among those elected during the meeting was Bishop Melanie Miller, the second and only living woman bishop in the historically Black denomination.

In Other News


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