Thursday, August 1, 2024

RNS Morning Report: AME Zion Church meeting focuses on voting initiative, new bishops

RNS Morning Report

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AME Zion Church meeting focuses on voting initiative, new bishops

(RNS) — Among those elected during the meeting was Bishop Melanie Miller, the second and only living woman bishop in the historically Black denomination.

Police, monks gear up for another battle on Mount Athos

ISTANBUL (RNS) — Over 100 monks deemed schismatic have been living on the holy mountain without authorization since 2002.

Bethlehem Moravian church settlement in Pennsylvania named World Heritage Site

(RNS) — Founded in 1741 by a small band of Moravian Church immigrants, the historic district joins a list that includes the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza and the Eiffel Tower.

Spiritual directors meet spiritually curious people where they are

(RNS) — The popularity of spiritual direction can be attributed in part to its emphasis on facilitating instead of advice-giving and theology-spewing.

RNS Opinion

The religion of opposing government climate action

(RNS) — Is it climate denial or simply mistrust of government?

Trump’s ‘beautiful Christians’ are not the only ones whose values matter

(RNS) — The former president’s suggestion that he alone can fix our problems should raise alarms for any believer.


Interfaith protest confronts Christians United for Israel summit

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (RNS) — For nearly three days in and around Washington, D.C., an interfaith coalition challenged the pro-Israel messaging of pastor John Hagee and CUFI.

Vatican reports financial gains as it prepares for new profit strategy

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite financial reforms and cutting costs, the Vatican continues to struggle to generate enough revenues.

In Other News


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