Thursday, August 8, 2024

RNS Morning Report: After a slew of controversies, the SBC turns to a low-key leader to keep things cool

RNS Morning Report

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After a slew of controversies, the SBC turns to a low-key leader to keep things cool

CHARLOTTE (RNS) — Clint Pressley does not have a national following or a big social media presence. As SBC president, his goal is to tone down the acrimony.

Pastors’ first ladies, other Black church leaders organize support for Harris

(RNS) — In two calls, both sponsored by the Black Church PAC, the primary goal was to secure votes for Harris.

Online schools bridge the gap between yoga mat and Ph.D.

(RNS) — For practitioners and students seeking deeper yoga knowledge, online yoga schools led by scholars fill the gap. 

One church, two astronauts. How a Texas congregation is supporting its members on the space station

AP -- NASA astronauts Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Tracy Dyson are both members of Houston-area Providence Baptist Church. They are also both astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Here's how the church and their congregants continue to worship, even from outer space.

RNS Opinion

Trump’s questioning of Kamala Harris’ racial identity has deep religious roots

(RNS) — Judeo-Christian thought clings to clear and distinct categories.

Why Christian adoption agencies should have the right to deny Jewish couples

(RNS) — Some see Christian nationalism. But really, these laws are an attempt to preserve religious freedom.


Meet Cathy, the new AI chatbot and Episcopal Church expert

(RNS) — Unlike many of her religious AI predecessors, Cathy isn’t posing as a pastor or guru but a virtual guide.

Five faith facts about Harris pick Tim Walz, a ‘Minnesota Lutheran’ Dad

(RNS) — If elected, Walz would be either the first or second Lutheran vice president of the United States, depending on how you count it.

In Other News


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