Wednesday, August 28, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In the face of Palestinian suffering, interfaith groups offer a protective presence

RNS Morning Report

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In the face of Palestinian suffering, interfaith groups offer a protective presence

(RNS) — An interfaith delegation to Israel aims to provide support and accompaniment to Palestinians facing home demolitions, dislocation and violence from West Bank settlers.

Want a better life? Spend more time thinking about sin, says Elizabeth Oldfield.

(RNS) — In her book ‘Fully Alive,’ the podcaster and author argues that admitting we aren’t as great as we think we are opens the door to a better life.

Brazilians march for Eshu, an Afro-Brazilian deity, to protest Christian intolerance

SÃO PAULO, Brazil (RNS) — A march in honor of the orisha Eshu drew some 150,000 people in São Paulo recently, considered a rebuke to the rise of evangelical Christians’ political power.

AME Church announces retirement settlement agreement during General Conference

(RNS) — ‘Church employees who served their community for years deserve the retirement funds they were promised,’ responded a lawyer involved in the litigation.

RNS Opinion

Remembering the Peekskill riots, a caution for the right and left

(RNS) — Decades before Charlottesville, there was Peekskill. You can still hear its echoes.

Breathe your spirit into the dry bones of your church

(RNS) — People are leaving the church in droves. Seminaries and religious houses are closing or are half empty.


Anti-Trump evangelical Christians make the case for Harris

CHICAGO (RNS) — A group of mostly progressive evangelical political strategists are trying to help religious conservatives see Harris as the more biblically faithful of the two candidates.

Pope Francis condemns Ukraine’s ban on Russian Orthodox Church

(RNS) – 'Churches are not to be touched!' Pope Francis said after Ukraine approved a law banning churches tied to Russia.

In Other News


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