Wednesday, August 14, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In India, a ‘Hindu’ mosque aims to heal divisions

RNS Morning Report

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In India, a ‘Hindu’ mosque aims to heal divisions 

KOLKATA, India (RNS) — A Hindu family discovered a centuries-old mosque on their property and decided to restore it.

Would Jesus park in a bike lane? For Philadelphia churches, it’s a real question

(RNS) — A dispute over weekend parking in bike lanes has left a group of inner-city congregations in Philadelphia dealing with a tricky urban dilemma.

Ukrainian ambassador to the Vatican believes a visit by Pope Francis would promote peace

(RNS) — Pope Francis is waiting for ‘the appropriate time’ to visit Ukraine, according to that country’s ambassador to the Holy See, Andrii Yurash.

US advocacy groups raise awareness for plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

(RNS) — Some see the escalation of anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh as a chance to unite the global Hindu diaspora.

RNS Opinion

Let’s not let trauma drive our actions on this day of mourning

(RNS) — On Tisha B’Av, the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel will be added to the list of tragedies Jews mourn together. Sadly, it will also be added to the list of tragedies that are exploited for political gain.

The behind-the-scenes battles to lift Mormonism’s racial priesthood-temple ban

(RNS) — Historian Matthew Harris details how LDS prophet Spencer W. Kimball pushed for racial equality in the church.


Five powerful faith moments at the Paris Olympics

(RNS) — Athletes have long attributed faith to their success on the field. Paris was no exception.

Latino evangelicals push for immigration reform ahead of election

(RNS) — With rising political power, Latino voters will make their voices heard on immigration, but Latinos, including evangelicals, are far from a unified bloc.

In Other News


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