Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Synod of the Trinity Enews: Synod Sunday is Sept. 15

Being More with map
August 27, 2024
The Synod of the Trinity

Being More Together

Synod of the Trinity
Synod Sunday:
Sept. 15
Synod Sunday 2Mark your calendars: Sunday, Sept. 15, is Synod Sunday!
On Sept. 15, we invite the congregations and presbyteries in the Synod of the Trinity region to celebrate the gifts and blessings that take place in our bounds throughout the year.
The Synod works hand-in-hand with the ministry and mission of our presbyteries as they seek to support the witness of congregations, to the end that the church throughout its region becomes a community of faith, hope, love and witness.
Please use these bulletin inserts to help tell our story and celebrate the good news that is occurring in our region.
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Rhonda regionals
Rhonda Kruse's transitional call helped shaped presbyteries
Rhonda Kruse started her journey as the transitional leader at Lehigh Presbytery in 2019 with a three-year term. Fast Forward five years and in that time she has guided both Lehigh and Lackawanna Presbyteries into a merger that will benefit both mid councils financially, missionally and staffing-wise.
"I really did what I was called here to do," she said, "which was to help initially Lehigh, and then Lehigh and Lackawanna, become more sustainable into the future and find a new way forward that could help them better support their congregations, which is the mission of a presbytery.”
For more on Rhonda's time at Lehigh and Lackawanna Presbyteries, click here.

Upper Spruce waterpark2
Upper Spruce Creek Church energized by Creekside Park
A church without walls is something that is becoming more and more popular these days as congregations move their ministries into communities where they don’t have a physical building. At Upper Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church in Pennsylvania Furnace (Centre County), the congregation has accomplished that right next to its brick and mortar structure.
A new Creekside Park that’s sandwiched between the existing church building and Upper Spruce Creek not only has space for outdoor worship but also areas for games, a firepit and meditation. And, of course, fishing.
“I think God wants us to take chances in his name,” Scott Kretchmar, the church’s certified lay pastor. “This was taking a chance. God has given us the courage to try something a little bit different. I would just encourage churches as much as they’re able to try new things."
For more on this new space, click here.

Pittsburgh Seminary
Mission in the Margins: Lessons and Practices from the
Global Church
218038185_10165797895435227_5176638026536871498_nPittsburgh Theological Seminary’s World Mission Initiative and Continuing Education for the WMI Conference and W. Don McClure Lecture will focus on “Mission in the Margins: Lessons and Practices from the Global Church” on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11-12.
The movement of Christianity has shifted drastically over the past century, and now more than two-thirds of Christians live in the Global South. Yet mission practices continue to be deeply tied to older paradigms that presuppose that mission flows “from the West to the rest” rather than “from everywhere to everywhere.” What might we learn from listening to our siblings in Christ around the globe as we partner in mission together?
For more information and to register, click here.


Energy-saving resources for congregations
Find out how your congregation can get both tax rebates and direct pay options for installing energy-efficiency upgrades and/or renewable energy!
Explore resources from this summer’s presentations to the General Assembly Committee on Environmental and Climate Justice and the General Assembly plenary, as well as a fuller hour-long webinar hosted by Presbyterians for Earth Care.
The Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Treasury for Inflation Reduction Act Implementation, Ronald Newman, has been a great resource and wants to support congregations applying for these incentives.
To learn more, click here.

Welcome new pastors!
Gleaned from presbytery newsletters in the Synod of the Trinity region, we recognize these pastoral celebrations:
**Steve Singleton was ordained and will serve as associate pastor at Bidwell Street Presbyterian Church.
**Mwat Asedeh was installed as pastor at Stewartstown Presbyterian Church on Aug. 11.

Synod PW seeking mission project apps
The Presbyterian Women of the Synod of the Trinity has announced that its Mission Team is accepting applications for the 2025 PW Synod Mission project grants.
The criteria of the project is that it will impact the lives of: women, children, youth, racial ethnic persons and persons with a disability and have a PW connection. The nominated project for 2025 should be a project within the Synod of the Trinity.
For more information and to learn more about the Synod's PW, click here.

PCUSA launches interactive map
The 226th General Assembly (2024) approved the descriptions of presbytery boundaries submitted via overture by each synod. This interactive map shows the results of this long and complicated process, which included invitations to all stated clerks and executives to share information in the early stages and to confirm the final product.
Click here to view the map.

Evangelism Conference set for Oct.
Registration for the 2024 Evangelism Conference, planned by the PCUSA's Theology, Formation & Evangelism committee, is now open. The “A Lifestyle That Exudes Justice” Evangelism Conference will be held Oct. 3-5 at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, KY.
They will explore how we are called to embody the good news of God’s healing and compassion through "A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice."
Click here to learn more and register.

Krislund offering space for PSU fans
If you’re looking for a place to stay during your Penn State football weekend, Krislund Camp & Conference Center in nearby Madisonburg, PA, may have just the place for you. Stay in one of the camp's cabins and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Krislund after an exciting day at the stadium.
For information on availability and pricing, call (814) 422-8878 or email
The Synod of the Trinity | Being More Together
Have a story tip? Email Mike Givler, Communications Coordinator, here.
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