Wednesday, August 7, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Five faith facts about Harris pick Tim Walz, a ‘Minnesota Lutheran’ Dad

RNS Morning Report

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Five faith facts about Harris pick Tim Walz, a ‘Minnesota Lutheran’ Dad

(RNS) — If elected, Walz would be either the first or second Lutheran vice president of the United States, depending on how you count it.

Rabbis inundated with questions from Israeli soldiers on Jewish laws of war

(RNS) — Experts say the concern demonstrates the rise of religious influence in the Israeli military.

Meet Cathy, the new AI chatbot and Episcopal Church expert

(RNS) — Unlike many of her religious AI predecessors, Cathy isn’t posing as a pastor or guru but a virtual guide.

Marseille and the sea: A portrait of the millennia-old port city that is hosting Olympic sailing

MARSEILLE, France (AP) — The millennia-old port is a crossroads of cultures and faiths, where the beauty and cosmopolitan flair rub shoulders with enclaves of poverty and exclusion even more intimately than in the rest of France.

RNS Opinion

Beware of false prophets

(RNS) — False prophets tell us that global warming will not happen, microplastics do not cause cancer, guns will protect us, and the poor need to suffer to motivate them to work.

Josh Shapiro won’t be the veep. What are Jews saying?

(RNS) — Beyond American Jewish pride and nervousness, there is a deeper truth.


In surprise appointment, Bishop Henning to replace Cardinal O’Malley in Boston

(RNS) — Henning, who has led the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, for just over a year, will now lead an archdiocese of more than 1.8 million Catholics.

At Americans United for Separation of Church and State, complaints of a troubled culture

(RNS) — Under its president, Rachel Laser, Americans United has seen rising revenues and visibility — including a new campaign aimed at countering the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. But a staff union and former board members say that success masks internal conflict and a troubled work culture.

In Other News


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