Thursday, August 15, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In win for non-Orthodox Judaism, Ugandan Jew set to receive Israeli citizenship

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

In win for non-Orthodox Judaism, Ugandan Jew set to receive Israeli citizenship

(RNS) — It took Yosef Kibita four conversions to Judaism to receive Israeli citizenship.

‘Comedy is my dharma,’ say creators of new Hindu podcast, ‘Shakti Punch’

(RNS) — In their new podcast, comedian Pranav Behari and producer Adi Parige hope to reach modern American Hindus through relatable, humorous spirituality.

Faith leaders meet at White House for climate goals

(RNS) — One of the meeting's top priorities was to explain how faith communities can better use federal funds for clean energy initiatives. 

Would Jesus park in a bike lane? For Philadelphia churches, it’s a real question

(RNS) — A dispute over weekend parking in bike lanes has left a group of inner-city congregations in Philadelphia dealing with a tricky urban dilemma.

RNS Opinion

Why I’m a Christian for Kamala but not a ‘Christian for Kamala’

(RNS) — Now is not the time to pledge blind allegiance. Now is the time to start making some demands.

When the reverend became a rabbi

(RNS) — Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A minister and a rabbi walk into a bar, and when they come out, they are the same person.


Ukrainian ambassador to the Vatican believes a visit by Pope Francis would promote peace

(RNS) — Pope Francis is waiting for ‘the appropriate time’ to visit Ukraine, according to that country’s ambassador to the Holy See, Andrii Yurash.

In India, a ‘Hindu’ mosque aims to heal divisions 

KOLKATA, India (RNS) — A Hindu family discovered a centuries-old mosque on their property and decided to restore it.

In Other News


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