Tuesday, August 6, 2024

RNS Morning Report: In surprise appointment, Bishop Henning to replace Cardinal O’Malley in Boston

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

In surprise appointment, Bishop Henning to replace Cardinal O’Malley in Boston

(RNS) — Henning, who has led the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, for just over a year, will now lead an archdiocese of more than 1.8 million Catholics.

Anti-Muslim riots in UK cause fear, security boosts

(RNA) — The riots have exposed divisions across the country over immigration and renewed concerns about the ability of far-right groups on social media to stoke unrest through misinformation.

At Americans United for Separation of Church and State, complaints of a troubled culture

(RNS) — Under its president, Rachel Laser, Americans United has seen rising revenues and visibility — including a new campaign aimed at countering the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. But a staff union and former board members say that success masks internal conflict and a troubled work culture.

After the end of Roe, a new beginning for maternity homes

ORANGE, Va. (AP) — There has been a nationwide expansion of maternity homes in the two years since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and the federal right to abortion.

RNS Opinion

Jim Jordan’s attack on Catholic groups’ ethical investing

(RNS) — Republicans’ commitment to religious freedom seems to end when it challenges their partisan positions.

Is it morally acceptable to kill terrorists?

(RNS) — Should we rejoice, be sad, be happy but subdued about it? Should we feel all of these emotions? Or none of them?


Meet Gen Z’s proselytizing Presbyterian reformer

(RNS) — Richard Ackerman, a 21-year-old Presbyterian convert and conservative activist in the church, is the contemporary televangelist Zoomers can’t stop watching.

Tim Busch and Jim Martin bring left and right Catholics together over dinner and wine

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — The unlikely duo of conservative businessman and Jesuit priest hope to bridge the divide in the church.

In Other News


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