Monday, August 5, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Tim Busch and Jim Martin bring left and right Catholics together over dinner and wine

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Tim Busch and Jim Martin bring left and right Catholics together over dinner and wine

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — The unlikely duo of conservative businessman and Jesuit priest hope to bridge the divide in the church.

Meet Gen Z’s proselytizing Presbyterian reformer

(RNS) — Richard Ackerman, a 21-year-old Presbyterian convert and conservative activist in the church, is the contemporary televangelist Zoomers can’t stop watching.

Eliza Griswold’s ‘Circle of Hope’ is a portrait of an American church riven by discord

(RNS) — ‘Circle of Hope’ is about a Philadelphia church struggling for survival amid financial strain, external crises and theological, political and personal clashes.

Photos of the Week: Escalating Mideast tensions; anti-war demonstrations

(RNS) — This week’s photo gallery includes escalating Mideast tensions around Israel, anti-war demonstrations in the United States and more.

RNS Opinion

Eve is the original brat

(RNS) — Dance-pop star Charli XCX started what has become known as 'brat summer.'

The French baron who revived the Olympics believed they were more than sport – they were a religion of perfection and peace

(The Conversation) — Pierre de Coubertin hoped to channel the best of the ancient ceremonies into a new tradition that could foster both national pride and international harmony.


Indian and Black, Hindu and Baptist: The multiplicities of Kamala Harris

(RNS) — Kamala Harris’ hyphenated identity has become a chance for Americans to discuss how one person can represent multiple religions and races at once.

In seaside Southport, a mosque bears the brunt of UK’s immigrant anxiety

LONDON (RNS) — Misinformation readily spread among groups where Islamophobia has been stoked over immigration fears and amid the Israel-Hamas war.

In Other News


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