Thursday, August 8, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Hear words of friendship from the Presbyterian Church of Korea, our partners in mission & in Christ 🤝✝️

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7-13 August 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


Words of friendship from the Presbyterian Church of Korea

At the 17th Assembly in July it was wonderful to welcome church partners and overseas guests from the Pacific, Asia and India. One of these was the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK), the largest denomination in South Korea with some 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 10,000 churches.

In this short video, hear from Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli, and from PCK General Secretary Rev Bo-hyun Kim and Moderator Rev Eu-Shik Kim as they share greetings and words of friendship to the Uniting Church in Australia.

The video features the plaque presented by the PCK to the President in appreciation of the UCA's passionate and devoted missionary work in Korea and in hope for a continued partnership.

You can also watch this video from UnitingWorld with messages from Rev Dr Tevita Havea (Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga), Rev James Bhagwan (Pacific Conference of Churches) and Rt Rev Sameer Khimla (Church of North India).

Watch now


Energise your worship with new music from the Centre for Liturgy, Music and the Arts

A new pack of worship songs has been released by the Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts in the Synod of South Australia with songwriters from across the country and beyond. Described as music for churches of any size, each pack contains sheet music, lyrics, Powerpoint files, audio and video files. Packs are available here individually or as part of a subscription. Song previews are available here.


New edition of With Love to the World is out now, with an exciting new feature

The Creation 2024 issue of With Love to the World is on its way to subscribers and now available on the App, complete with a striking cover: an original artwork by Rev Dr Howard Wallace, Uniting Church minister, calligrapher and former Professor of Old Testament. For the first time, With Love to the World will include commentaries on readings from the Narrative Lectionary.


Korean National Conference meets in Canberra

The Uniting Church Korean National Conference has been meeting this week in Canberra, including the opportunity to spend time with Uniting Church Assembly President Rev Charissa Suli yesterday. There are currently 28 Korean-speaking congregations across the Uniting Church and 44 Korean ministers serving in English-speaking placements. See some photos of the gathering on our Facebook page.


Prepare for the Season of Creation with the Pacific Conference of Churches

In less than a month we begin our celebration of the Season of Creation, a month-long period through September for Christians across the world to unite in prayer and action for creation. This 2024 resource from the Pacific Conference of Churches is a great place to begin your planning, tailored to address the unique environmental challenges and spiritual needs of our Pacific communities.


New Frontier News out now

The latest edition of Frontier News is here, bringing you inspiring stories about Outback Links volunteers, our outback communities, and the unique contributions of Bush Chaplains Therese and Clive who feature on the cover. From Jill Doolan’s work with the next generation, to Ric Payne’s vital efforts in Mid West WA, to Gary Ferguson’s reflections on his ten-year journey as a Bush Chaplain, each story celebrates the transformative power of your support.

Around the Uniting Church

Reflections on Assembly

Four members of Brunswick Uniting Church in Victoria attended the 17th Assembly in July, Rev Dr Geoff Thompson, Nicole Mugford, Daniel Broadstock and Rev Richard Arnold. Read what they reported back to their congregation about their experiences.

Around the Uniting Church

End of an era for Ross Memorial

The Ross Memorial worshipping community held its final service on Sunday 28 July after 128 years of worship, witness and service in west Perth. With the Synod of WA we give thanks for a faithful history, for faithful endings and pray for all who have made this community their home.


22nd WMC set to begin

The five-yearly World Methodist Conference begins next Tuesday in Gothenburg, a gathering of the global Methodist-Wesleyan family. Find out more here, and stay tuned next week as we introduce the UCA members heading to Sweden for this significant event.

World Council of Churches

WCC urges respect for life

World Council of Churches General Secretary Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay has expressed grave concern over the recent escalation of violence in the Middle East, calling on all parties to cease attacks, respect human life, adhere to international law and engage in meaningful dialogue to restore peace and stability.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Church Engagement Worker - Uniting VicTas

Lead a transformative initiative that strengthens the relationship between Uniting VicTas and the Uniting Church and enhances collaboration.

Accountant - Mission Support (UC Synod of Queensland)

Provide financial services support to our Mission Support areas across Queensland and act as the lead contact for congregational bookkeeping and advice.

Upcoming Dates

9 August: International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
12 August: International Youth Day
13-18 August: World Methodist Conference (Sweden)
30 August-1 September: Assembly Standing Committee
1 September-4 October: Season of Creation

Check out more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • The mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Korea and for our enduring relationship.
  • The Korean National Conference and the Korean community in the Uniting Church.
  • Young people in the Uniting Church and beyond as they shape their communities and transform the church and world around them.
  • Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

What are you praying for this week?


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