Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Assembly responds to religious discrimination news, reflections on WMC, Season of Creation resources & more in UC National News 21-27 August

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21-27 August 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


With religious discrimination laws shelved, the time for a Human Rights Act is now

The Uniting Church in Australia has expressed disappointment following the Federal Government’s indication that it will not seek to re-introduce revised religious discrimination legislation.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said earlier this month that the window for action had passed as a bipartisan approach could not be reached with the opposition.The Uniting Church had been engaging with the government on the proposed laws for over five years.

President of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev Charissa Suli said this week that the decision to back away from reform will be disappointing for vulnerable communities who had hoped increased protections would be introduced.

"The decision not to advance these protections not only perpetuates the systemic marginalisation of LGBTIQA+ individuals but also deepens the divide within our nation," said Rev Suli.

The President also said that with religious discrimination legislation off the table, the government should now turn its attention to legislating a national Human Rights Act - something the Uniting Church has been calling for since 2008.

"Now is the time for a holistic approach and comprehensive legislation that would safeguard the rights of every citizen.”

Read our statement


'A means of grace': reflecting on the World Methodist Conference

The World Methodist Conference took place in Sweden last week, gathering representatives of Wesleyan, Methodist and Uniting Churches from across the globe including a strong UCA delegation. In a powerful recognition of our relationship, President Rev Charissa Suli was invited to take part in the consecration of the new Bishop of the Uniting Church in Sweden on the last day. Rev Prof Glen O'Brien reflects on the gathering.


Take your worship outdoors this Season of Creation with our updated resource

The Season of Creation is almost upon us! Check out our growing list of resources for the month, including updated resources from the Assembly to help your community take worship outdoors. The resource has an introduction from President Rev Charissa Suli, who writes: "Just as we are called to weave threads of love in our communities, we are equally called to weave these threads into our relationship with creation, recognising that every act of care for the environment is an act of love for our global neighbours and future generations..." Find all the resources here.


Frontier Services volunteers head to the hub of the Flinders Ranges

Nestled in the Flinders Ranges, Hawker is a small community of just 340 people. As the 'Hub of the Flinders Ranges', it serves as a vital meeting place for local residents, pastoralists and travelers alike. But this remote town faces challenges due to isolation, aging infrastructure, and limited access to essential services. Led by Frontier Services’ Bush Chaplain Rev Sunny Kadaparambil and National Director Rob Floyd, last week a team of 21 volunteers arrived in Hawker, ready to help. Read more and see photos.


"Our world requires leadership with moral integrity and vision"

In honour of World Humanitarian Day on Monday, UnitingWorld National Director Dr Sureka Goringe was among 60 prominent Australians who signed an open letter from the Safer World for All campaign warning the safeguards designed to protect humanitarian workers are breaking down. The statement calls on the federal government to uphold its obligations and hold countries accountable for breaches of international law.

Around the Uniting Church

New issue of Revive out now

A fresh new Revive is out now from the Synod of Western Australia. In this edition you can meet the 17th President of the Uniting Church, Rev Charissa Suli, find out more about the 17th Assembly theme Threads of Love, read about life on the Pilbara Patrol with Rev David Jackson, think about action planning for disability inclusion and much more!

Armenian Film Festival

New film on Armenian Genocide

The world premiere of Armenian film The Golden Chain of Mercy took place last Sunday at the Armenian Film Festival and will screen again in Sydney this Sunday 25 August and in Melbourne on Friday 6 September. The film tells the story of survivors of the Armenian Genocide and pays tribute to the ANZACs and missionaries who came to their aid.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Office Administrative and Financial Reporting Assistant - Darwin Memorial Church

A great administrative role supporting the congregation, Church Council and ministry team.

Safety and Support Officer - Uniting WA

Provide support in the delivery of homelessness services, engaging with clients in a person-centred way, with a focus on safety and support. 

Upcoming Dates

25-27 August: Methodist Church in Fiji Annual Conference
29 August: State Funeral for Rev Dr Gondarra
30 August-1 September: Assembly Standing Committee
1 September-4 October: Season of Creation
1 September: Uniting Church Child Safe Sunday
1 September: Father's Day

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • The upcoming Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji, for President Rev Charissa Suli and all who will attend.
  • LGBTIQA+ young people in schools; that they will be safe and welcomed.
  • Frontier Services volunteers who give generously of their time and energy to serve people in rural and remote parts of the country.
  • Liberia, Sierra Leone as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

What are you praying for this week?


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