Friday, August 16, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Why Catholic bishops rocked out to megachurch worship hits

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Why Catholic bishops rocked out to megachurch worship hits

(RNS) — The rise in popularity of music from churches like Elevation, Hillsong and Bethel has helped launch a new kind of ecumenical movement.

Faith groups are mobilizing thousands to march outside the DNC

(RNS) — The Coalition to March on the DNC has united its various constituencies, including faith groups, to demand an end to U.S. aid to Israel and standing up for Palestinians.

Black Baptist organization gets $1 million megachurch donation to aid African girls

(RNS) — The money will be used to support the Ghana Baptist Convention to rescue young girls whose families have sold them into the long-established system of Trokosi.

A mass circumcision is marketed to tourists in a remote area of Uganda. Some are angrily objecting

NEAR MOUNT ELGON, Uganda (AP) — locals question their king over the very public presentation of Imbalu, the ritualized circumcision of thousands of boys every other year in this remote community near Uganda’s border with Kenya.

RNS Opinion

The competing faiths of the 2024 election

(RNS) — It's Republican restorationism versus Democratic futurism.

The US has an opportunity to elect a female president. Our Scriptures would approve.

(RNS) — A female president would confirm women’s true portrayal in our varied Scriptures.


‘Comedy is my dharma,’ say creators of new Hindu podcast, ‘Shakti Punch’

(RNS) — In their new podcast, comedian Pranav Behari and producer Adi Parige hope to reach modern American Hindus through relatable, humorous spirituality.

Faith leaders meet at White House for climate goals

(RNS) — One of the meeting's top priorities was to explain how faith communities can better use federal funds for clean energy initiatives. 

In Other News


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