Friday, August 30, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Bangladesh’s Hindu-Buddhist-Christian council pushes for secular state

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Bangladesh’s Hindu-Buddhist-Christian council pushes for secular state

(RNS) — Amid a government shake-up and rising violence against minorities, an interfaith council is pushing for the country to remove Islam as the state religion.

U.S. Latinas embrace spiritual practices outside traditional religion

(RNS) — Many U.S. Latinas have turned to sound healing while seeking spiritual practices outside of traditional religion.

‘Wall of Silence,’ a podcast about abuse in ACNA, was silenced. Now, it’s back.

(RNS) — A spokesperson said no one from ACNA’s national office had knowledge of Archbishop Beach or his staff asking for the podcast to stop.

Study: Citizens around the globe want leaders who stand up for religious believers

(RNS) — In the U.S., two-thirds of respondents say that it is important to have a leader at the national level who stands up for people with religious beliefs. Less than half of respondents believe that it is essential for their leader to have strong religious beliefs or have religious beliefs that are the same as their own.

RNS Opinion

Season Two of ‘The Rings of Power’ finds light in unexpected places

(RNS) — ‘The Lord of the Rings’ prequel offers parallels that might give divided Americans a little hope.

Why I’m voting third party

(RNS) — Voting is an investment in the long-term future of the nation, not only something that will benefit us in our own lifetimes.


AME Church delegates name six new bishops while retaining same-sex marriage ban

(RNS) — In a joint address, AME bishops called for the creation of ‘accountability measures for every elected and appointed leader within our church.’

Harris-Walz campaign hires the Rev. Jen Butler, longtime activist, to lead faith outreach

(RNS) — A familiar face among Washington’s faith-based activists, Butler said she brings ‘a broad set of relationships that I think can help, very quickly, pull a broad coalition together’ in a foreshortened Harris campaign.

In Other News


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