Tuesday, August 27, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Anti-Trump evangelical Christians make the case for Harris

RNS Morning Report

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Anti-Trump evangelical Christians make the case for Harris

CHICAGO (RNS) — A group of mostly progressive evangelical political strategists are trying to help religious conservatives see Harris as the more biblically faithful of the two candidates.

AME Church announces retirement settlement agreement during General Conference

(RNS) — ‘Church employees who served their community for years deserve the retirement funds they were promised,’ responded a lawyer involved in the litigation.

Pope Francis condemns Ukraine’s ban on Russian Orthodox Church

(RNS) – 'Churches are not to be touched!' Pope Francis said after Ukraine approved a law banning churches tied to Russia.

John Lennon’s inspiration for ‘Strawberry Fields’ bears new fruit for Salvation Army

LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom (RNS) — The Salvation Army is exploiting a connection to the Beatles to draw more visitors to fund its mission and encourage people who would never consider stepping inside a church to find out about Christianity.

RNS Opinion

The UN’s ‘memories’ of antisemitic terrorism are painfully faulty

(RNS) — A tribute to the victims of terrorism at the world body's New York headquarters fails to mention attacks on Jews.

Harris promises a new way forward. Would that the pope would do the same.

(RNS) — The Democratic convention brought more hope, especially to women, than Pope Francis.


In Chicago, ‘Little Palestine’ adds its voice to roar of the Democratic convention

CHICAGO (RNS) — With the DNC happening in their backyard, many residents came straight from work or school to participate in the protests.

Carlos Whittaker spent seven weeks screen-free. Here’s how his idea of God changed.

(RNS) — The former worship pastor emphasizes that ‘Reconnected’ isn’t another book about why phones are bad. Instead, it’s about the beautiful things on the other side of the phone.

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