Thursday, August 29, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Harris-Walz campaign hires the Rev. Jen Butler, longtime activist, to lead faith outreach

RNS Morning Report

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Harris-Walz campaign hires the Rev. Jen Butler, longtime activist, to lead faith outreach

(RNS) — A familiar face among Washington’s faith-based activists, Butler said she brings ‘a broad set of relationships that I think can help, very quickly, pull a broad coalition together’ in a foreshortened Harris campaign.

AME Church delegates name six new bishops while retaining same-sex marriage ban

(RNS) — In a joint address, AME bishops called for the creation of ‘accountability measures for every elected and appointed leader within our church.’

Once a beacon of the Yiddish speaking world, Lithuania’s Jews work to keep it alive

VILNIUS, Lithuania (RNS) — If one city could be said to be the home of Yiddish, the traditional language of Ashkenazi Jewry, many would point to Vilnius, the capital of modern-day Lithuania, where a program hopes to preserve and expand it.

Israeli Cabinet minister draws rebuke for saying he would build a synagogue at holy site

JERUSALEM (RNS) — The far-right minister’s latest remarks have sparked outrage from Muslim authorities, concern from the U.S. State Department, and Israeli assurances that the ‘status quo’ will remain.

RNS Opinion

Why are Mormon lifestyle influencers so popular?

(RNS) — Lifestyle influencers with ties to the LDS church navigate a tightrope between traditional and modern. And America is eating it up.

Platforming religion: The Dems’ and GOP’s official positions compared

(RNS) — What the parties have to say — and not say — on the subject as the 2024 campaign heads into the homestretch.


In the face of Palestinian suffering, interfaith groups offer a protective presence

(RNS) — An interfaith delegation to Israel aims to provide support and accompaniment to Palestinians facing home demolitions, dislocation and violence from West Bank settlers.

Want a better life? Spend more time thinking about sin, says Elizabeth Oldfield.

(RNS) — In her book ‘Fully Alive,’ the podcaster and author argues that admitting we aren’t as great as we think we are opens the door to a better life.

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