Thursday, August 22, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Parallel to DNC, a Chicago interfaith vigil mourns the loss of life in Gazas

RNS Morning Report

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Parallel to DNC, a Chicago interfaith vigil mourns the loss of life in Gaza

(RNS) — Activists who have been protesting at the Democratic National Convention over the war in Gaza took time out to mourn and draw strength from their varying faiths.

Ukraine’s ban targeting Russian-linked faith groups raises religious freedom concerns

(RNS) — Even some supporters of Ukraine see the ban as an overstep in the name of national security, a violation of religious freedom and a potential risk to continued foreign military aid. 

In a remote corner of Ohio, a traffic law brings Harvard to the aid of the Amish

(RNS) — New safety measures mandate flashing lights on buggies, a requirement some conservative Amish say violates their faith. Harvard University Law School agrees with them.

Ukraine’s parliament approves ban on Moscow-linked religious groups

(AP) — Ukraine’s parliament has banned the activities of religious groups tied to the Russian Orthodox Church or any other faith group supporting Russia’s invasion.

RNS Opinion

Controversy over an India Day Parade float is a slur on Hindu pride

(RNS) — Despite criticism of India’s new Ram temple, parade organizers were stunned at the response to the float.

Ukraine’s ban targeting Moscow-linked Orthodox Church risks US aid

(RNS) — Zelenskyy is about to test not only Ukraine’s carefully constructed global image but also its own path toward liberal democracy.


Hindu summer campers come for the mantras, stay for the memories

(RNS) — After the Hindu Heritage Youth Camp’s first year at its new campsite, these summer campers look back on a summer of education: for youth, by youth.

Laughter yoga’s benefits are no laughing matter

(RNS) — Laughter yoga combines breathwork and gentle movement from yoga with laughter therapy to energize and reduce stress.

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