Tuesday, August 20, 2024

E-ssentials: Quiet Diplomacy Isn’t Working, Green Your Faith, and more!

Dear Prime Minister: Quiet Diplomacy Isn’t Working

Children using pots and pans as armour

The Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of The United Church of Canada, has sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, urging the country to suspend relations with Israel until it complies with the International Court of Justice's advisory opinion. The letter calls for an arms embargo on Israel, an immediate ceasefire, and accountability, and requests an in-person meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss how the church can work with the government for a just peace in Palestine and Israel.

Read the full news story.

[Image credit: Hosny Salah, DSPR]

Greening Your Faith with Faithful Footprints

Faithful footprints logo
As we journey through the Season of Creation, a time dedicated to reflecting on our relationship with the earth, it’s the perfect moment to consider how our communities of faith can become more environmentally responsible. The United Church of Canada’s Faithful Footprints program provides an excellent starting point. By offering inspirationtools, and financial support, Faithful Footprints empowers congregations to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Embracing sustainable practices within our places of worship is a tangible way to live out our faith and care for God’s creation.
[Image credit: Faithful Footprints]

Blog Spotlight! Imagining Something More

Alydia and others holding a banner that reads "For the Beauty of the Earth"

Feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Alydia Smith shares her personal struggle with hope and how finding community and spiritual guidance can help. Discover practical steps to take during the Season of Creation, including worship resources, advocacy opportunities, and calls to action.

Read the full blog, and learn more about The United Church of Canada's advocacy efforts against climate change.

[Image credit: Josie Forcadilla]

Mission and Service Stories: Church Offers Unique Ministry in National Park

  Waterton United Church of Canada Exterior on Sunny day
Nestled in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Waterton United Church offers a unique spiritual experience. Its stunning location, with a cathedral window framing Mount Vimy, draws both worshippers and visitors alike.

Your gifts through Mission and Service help the church remain open year-round. In the summer, Sunday services take place from late June through September with support from guest ministers. Other services are offered during holy days throughout the year. Youth groups use the building as retreat space, and the chapel is a popular space for weddings. With a small room and kitchenette behind the sanctuary, the church also draws leaders who want to retreat.

[Image credit:Ruth Richardson]

The United Church Bookstore: Gear Up for a Fantastic Fall Season 

stock up on supplies/United Church Bookstore

From worship staples like bulletins, candles, and offering envelopes to special items like certificates, we've got everything you need to create inspiring worship experiences. Don't forget to check out our Gathering Worship subscription for comprehensive worship planning resources.

We're also excited to offer new ways to engage and learn with some wonderful online resources:

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Worship Resources 

See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations.

Fourteenth after Pentecost - August 25, 2024
Fifteenth after Pentecost - September 1, 2024
Creation Time 1 - September 8, 2024
Creation Time 2 - September 15, 2024
World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel - September 16-22, 2024
UN International Day of Peace - September 21, 2024
Creation Time 3 - September 22, 2024
Creation Time 4 - September 29, 2024

For more inspiring worship ideas and resources subscribe to GatheringWorship.ca
Important Note: The images included in this newsletter are protected by copyright. While we encourage you to share the newsletter itself, please don't copy or use the images independently. Thanks for your understanding!
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