Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - The UCA arrives in Gothenburg for gathering of world Methodist family ✝️ This & more in UC National News 14-20 August

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14-20 August 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story


UCA arrives in Gothenburg for gathering of world Methodist family

The 22nd World Methodist Conference is set to begin in the beautiful Swedish city of Gothenburg. The five-yearly conference of the World Methodist Council brings together the global Wesleyan-Methodist family to deepen faith, identify the contours of future ministry and set direction for the next five years.

The Uniting Church in Australia has a strong presence with 10 delegates participating alongside President Rev Charissa Suli. Over the last couple of days our delegates have been taking part in some pre-Conference gatherings including a meeting of the World Methodist Council.

Please pray for the Conference, for all who will attend, and for our Uniting Church delegates as they travel, offer their contributions to this body of Christ and receive the gifts of other Christians and churches. Stay tuned as the Conference opens with worship on Wednesday evening.

Make sure you're following us on Facebook as our delegates will be taking over our page during the week, sending you photos, highlights and news directly from Sweden!

Read the hopes of our delegates


30 years of Daring to hope

In June 1994 the first national gathering for the Uniting Church's LGBTIQA+ community was held in Adelaide. Thirty years and fourteen gatherings later, a group met online last month for a one day gathering under the theme 'Daring to hope', a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Uniting Network. Founding member Warren Talbot reports on the gathering and reflects on the changes which have taken place over the past three decades.


2024 Season of Creation calls us to 'hope and act with creation'

Christians across the world will celebrate the Season of Creation throughout the month of September, a time to hope, act, pray and reflect on our call to care for the earth - our common home and the blessed, beloved creation of God. This year's symbol is inspired by the image of the groaning creation in Paul's letter to the Romans. Find a range of resources on our page and check back as the list grows.


"Value their insights and support their dreams"

On Monday we celebrated the global International Youth Day which spotlights youth issues each year and recognises young people as vital partners in our society. Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli has offered this prayer for young people in the Uniting Church and beyond, urging us to be a community of support as they seek to shape the future. You might like to mark #IYD2024 in prayer this Sunday.


Celebrating Gary Ferguson's 10-year outback legacy

Bush Chaplain Gary Ferguson has marked an incredible decade of service, covering an astounding 350,000 square kilometers across South Australia’s outback. "Every year, I’ve witnessed the resilience and strength of the people I serve," he says. Part of Gary's legacy has been addressing broader community needs, advocating for essential healthcare and mental wellbeing resources in remote areas.


Praying for peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula

Tomorrow 15 August ia a day of global prayer for peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula. The WCC has shared this prayer from the National Council of Churches in Korea. “It seems like only yesterday we were holding hands and crossing over this wall that has stood here so long, but now we are calling each other enemies rather than children of God,” the prayer reads. We pray for healing and unity in this divided part of our world and for the Korean community within the Uniting Church.


Multifaith week of Climate Action

From 14-24 September people of all faiths around Australia will publicly call for a clear plan to address the climate crisis and move boldly and rapidly away from coal and gas and towards a sustainable future. There are lots of ways for your community to take part, from joining senior faith leaders at events at high profile places of worship on 17 September to purchasing and displaying your own banner.


World week for Peace in Palestine and Israel

The World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel is coming up from 16-22 September, this year with the theme: "Whatever you did... you did for me" (Matt 25:40). The World Council of Churches encourages churches and people of faith to bear a common witness in worship, education and action for peace and justice during this time.

World Council of Churches

WCC holds digital solidarity visit to the Holy Land

The World Council of Churches held a digital pastoral and solidarity visit to the Holy Land on 7-8 August, connecting with Christians and Christian organisations in the region to hear their voices and perspectives and amplify their calls for peace and justice. Read as the delegation reflects on the visit.

Around the Uniting Church

Farewelling Head of Pilgrim Rev Dr Sean Winter

The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania will farewell Rev Assoc Prof Sean Winter from his role as Head of Pilgrim Theological College at the end of November. Sean has been with the United Faculty of Theology and then Pilgrim since 2009. Formed and originally ordained in the Baptist tradition, Sean will move on to a role with Baptist theological school Whitley College.


Volunteer English Lecturer opportunity in Indonesia

Satya Wacana Christian University in Salatiga (Indonesia) seeks a qualified volunteer English Lecturer to join a diverse academic community. Contribute to English language education in a university with a dynamic environment and a rich history of collaboration with the UCA. Download information.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Roles with UnitingWorld

Saltbush Regional Minister - UC Riverina Presbytery

Provide ministry, leadership, and oversight to the Riverina Region in partnership with the Saltbush Team, supporting and resourcing local congregations.

Upcoming Dates

13-18 August: World Methodist Conference (Sweden)
29 August: State Funeral for Rev Dr Gondarra
30 August-1 September: Assembly Standing Committee
1 September-4 October: Season of Creation
1 September: Uniting Church Child Safe Sunday
1 September: Father's Day

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • The World Methodist Conference; for all who will attend and for our Uniting Church delegates.
  • Peace, unity and healing on the Korean peninsula.
  • The aftermath of conflict and rioting in the United Kingdom. May Christ transform us from strangers and enemies into friends and neighbours.
  • Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

What are you praying for this week?


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