Monday, August 12, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Appeals court rules against Dave Ramsey’s company in COVID-era religious discrimination case

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Appeals court rules against Dave Ramsey’s company in COVID-era religious discrimination case

(RNS) — Brad Amos, a former video editor at Ramsey Solutions, claimed he was fired for failing to follow Ramsey's faith-based beliefs on how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In North Carolina, nearly 1,200 Southern Baptist churches participate in week of service

RALEIGH, N.C. (RNS) — Summers are often a time when congregations send out people to far off missions work. The state’s Southern Baptists envisioned something closer to home.

In scandal’s wake, ACNA adopts new rules on reporting misconduct

(RNS) — Amendments to the denomination’s bylaws on preventing and reporting misconduct lay the groundwork for larger revisions, ACNA officials said.

Photos of the Week: Saint Cajetan, Nagasaki remembrance

(RNS) — Each week Religion News Service presents a gallery of photos of religious expression around the world. This week’s photo gallery includes Argentina's Saint Cajetan Protest, a Nagasaki remembrance and more.

RNS Opinion

The GOP ducks the abortion issue

(RNS) — The new GOP platform ends more than 40 years of trying to abolish the practice.

Bangladesh’s Hindus need protection amid the country’s political turmoil

(RNS) — Without the help of concerned nations, Bangladesh could become home to another humanitarian crisis.


At her first tour since the pandemic, Amma embraces New York City

NEW YORK (RNS) — Whether you’re religious, spiritual or refuse labels, sometimes all you need is a hug.

Progressive National Baptist Convention leaders hail Harris, pan Trump, urge voting

(RNS) — Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., and the pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, voiced criticism of Trump during a session of the PNBC meeting.

In Other News


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