Wednesday, August 21, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Faith abounds at the Democratic National Convention, but don’t be surprised

RNS Morning Report

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Faith abounds at the Democratic National Convention, but don’t be surprised

(RNS) — Trump staffers have called the left ‘godless,’ but this year’s DNC painted a very different picture.

Hindu summer campers come for the mantras, stay for the memories

(RNS) — After the Hindu Heritage Youth Camp’s first year at its new campsite, these summer campers look back on a summer of education: for youth, by youth.

Laughter yoga’s benefits are no laughing matter

(RNS) — Laughter yoga combines breathwork and gentle movement from yoga with laughter therapy to energize and reduce stress.

Nearly half of world’s migrants are Christian, Pew Research shows

(RNS) — US migrants are much more likely to have a religious identity than the American-born population.

RNS Opinion

I’m an evangelical against Trump … and genocide

(RNS) — Like many Christians, I find myself conflicted this election season.

When a temple disappears

(RNS) — A sad story about a synagogue in Miami. It could happen anywhere — and it is.


Six young evangelicals on the 2024 election

(RNS) — Religion News Service spoke to self-identified evangelicals in their 20s and early 30s about how their faith is informing their potential pick for president.

War in Gaza casts a shadow over DNC opening

(RNS) — On Monday, protesters had begun gathering in Union Park in Chicago, about a half-mile from the DNC headquarters, with 'Abandon Harris ’24' signs.

In Other News


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