Friday, August 9, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Pastors’ first ladies, other Black church leaders organize support for Harris

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Pastors’ first ladies, other Black church leaders organize support for Harris

(RNS) — In two calls, both sponsored by the Black Church PAC, the primary goal was to secure votes for Harris.

At her first tour since the pandemic, Amma embraces New York City

NEW YORK (RNS) — Whether you’re religious, spiritual or refuse labels, sometimes all you need is a hug.

Progressive National Baptist Convention leaders hail Harris, pan Trump, urge voting

(RNS) — Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., and the pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, voiced criticism of Trump during a session of the PNBC meeting.

Rwanda government shuts more than 5,000 churches, claiming code violations

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — ‘The government gave us five years to comply and kept giving us reminders. That ended last year in September,’ said Anglican Archbishop Laurent Mbanda.

RNS Opinion

Arab evangelical Christians invite Zionist evangelicals to restore ‘one body in Christ’

(RNS) — The plea finds a ‘discernible missional gap’ between the Western church and the churches of the Middle East.

Whose Christianity do Christian nationalists want?

(RNS) — It was the diversity of Christianity, as much as other faiths, that inspired the founders' concern for religious liberty.


Online schools bridge the gap between yoga mat and Ph.D.

(RNS) — For practitioners and students seeking deeper yoga knowledge, online yoga schools led by scholars fill the gap. 

After a slew of controversies, the SBC turns to a low-key leader to keep things cool

CHARLOTTE (RNS) — Clint Pressley does not have a national following or a big social media presence. As SBC president, his goal is to tone down the acrimony.

In Other News


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