Thursday, August 22, 2024

News from the Young Adult Volunteers – August 2024


I am Steffan Johnson, and I have recently completed a year as a Young Adult Volunteer. Being a YAV in New Orleans was a life-changing experience. Louisiana was such a unique place to spend a year of service. The YAV program helped me figure out a lot of things in my life, but most importantly, my vocational discernment. There were many wonderful communities, opportunities and activities in the Big Easy, and they all supported the YAVs.


There were countless churches that aided the YAVs. They did things like provide us with cleaning supplies for our house, invited us to events and even allowed us to give a few sermons. I had a chance to volunteer alongside four programs, and each program welcomed me more than anywhere I have ever been. One of my favorite communities to work alongside was a church where I tutored elementary school students after school. During the summer, this community held a summer camp where I enjoyed the youth of New Orleans. The communities that surrounded the YAVs were extremely welcoming.

Before committing to my year of service, I graduated from seminary. My No. 1 goal after graduation was to learn how to connect with people. Being a YAV helped me do that; I found myself giving sermons, conducting Bible studies and occasionally preparing meals for others. All of these opportunities helped me achieve my goal of connecting with people. This also helped me learn more about others.

One of the main principles that the YAV program focuses on is cross-cultural mission, and activities in New Orleans were perfect for that experience. With many activities to do throughout the year, Mardi Gras parades were definitely one of the most memorable activities. Before my service year, I knew very little about these parades. What I knew came from movies, books and social media. Yet to see this culture in person showed me the importance of understanding diversity.

Overall, my YAV year was extremely impactful. “A year of service for a lifetime of change” is the YAV motto, and now that I have completed my service year, I can honestly say that this statement is true. With a year of serving various communities, I now have life skills, knowledge and friends thanks to this program. Any young adult in the process of vocational discernment should consider the YAV program. The Young Adult Volunteer program is truly transformative.

- Steffan Johnson, YAV Alum


Registration open for youth advocacy conference

October 18-20 marks the “Jesus and Justice” gathering – PC(USA)’s next Young Adult Advocacy Conference held on the Charlotte, North Carolina campus of Union Presbyterian Seminary. The conference is free to attend; topics to be addressed include racial justice, poverty, hunger and homelessness, LGBTQIA+ rights and more. Register here.


Apply to

be a YAV

Applications for the 2025-26 in-person service year are open. If you’re between the ages of 19-30 (or know someone who is) and want to engage in world issues, commit to self-reflection, listen to the marginalized and learn in a new way, consider “a year of service for a lifetime of change.” Learn more about the process here


YAV sites for 2024-25

We have nine YAV sites in seven countries spread across four continents for the 2024-25 service year. To learn more about YAV opportunities in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia, click below.


Meet a YAV

Meet Claire Kim, a 2024-25 Young Adult Volunteer serving in South Korea. Claire grew up the daughter of a pastor in Minneapolis, MN and attended seminary after graduating from the University of Minnesota. Read more about her and subscribe to her blog below.  


Follow us

on Instagram

Follow the YAV program on Instagram to find out what our YAVs are up to.


Financial support for the YAV program

Please consider giving to the YAV program through a monthly or one-time gift to care for young adults engaged in “a year of service for a lifetime of change.”

YAV Ad (resize)

Presbyterian Mission Agency, 100 Witherspoon Street, Lousiville, KY

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