Wednesday, August 14, 2024

E-ssentials: Hate Crimes Against 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Surge, 40 Days Study Groups, and more!

Hate Crimes Against 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Surge

Fight Hate

An alarming trend of escalating hate crimes targeting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community has been bought to light in a recent Statistics Canada report. The data shows a staggering 225% increase in hate crimes based on sexual orientation over the past five years.

The United Church of Canada has also seen a concerning rise in hate-related incidents directed at its affirming communities. These senseless acts, including vandalism, harassment, and online abuse, highlight the urgent need for increased awareness and support.

Read the full news story.

[Image credit: @jontyson / Unsplash]

Deepen Your 40 Days Learning with a Study Group!

40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism study groups
40 Days of Engagement on Anti-Racism returns on October 15! Would you like to talk with other participants about what you are learning and discovering? Join one of the free online study groups available! When you sign up for the 40 Days Live Events, you can also register to join a study group. Participants in the groups will be able to connect with other learners in a supportive community, talk about emerging ideas from the 40 Days Live Events, and share more about your anti-racism journey.

40 Days study groups offer sessions to explore the week’s content in greater depth. Led by experienced facilitators, these groups provide a space for questions, discussions, and insights.

Choose one of two convenient times:

• Mondays at 7:00 p.m. ET (October 28, November 18, and December 2)
• Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. ET (October 30, November 20, and December 4)

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your learning experience! Sign up today.
[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Blog Spotlight! To Boldly Welcome Young People

Audacious Hope plenary, Brock University

Growth Animator Tori Mullin has some frank conversations with youth and young adults about their experience of going to church.

Spoiler alert! Young people often feel UNWELCOME in their own churches! 

Our young people, youth and young adults already connected with The United Church of Canada, are experiencing a passive, if not apathetic, welcome in our local communities of faith. When they do experience the life-giving Spirit at work amongst us they hesitate to invite others because they are unsure of the welcome those friends will receive.

Read the full blog, and If you want to learn more about how your community of faith can better welcome newcomers of all ages, contact your regional Growth Animator at

[Image credit: Tori Mullin]

Mission and Service Stories: Nothing Can Hold Us Back

  Audacious Hope 2024 Youth Dancing
Audacious Hope, the national youth and young adult event, brought together over 450 energetic young people and passionate youth leaders July 3-6, 2024, for an unforgettable experience charged with rejuvenated spirit and boundless optimism.

Your generosity through Mission and Service helps continue programs and workshops that encourage youth in their faith. 

[Video still credit:The United Church of Canada]

The United Church Bookstore: Mod's Book Squad Returns in September

Maximum Canada-The Mod's Book squad next session September 26

On Thursday, September 26, join Moderator Carmen Lansdowne and special guest Cameron Fraser for a lively discussion on Doug Saunders' provocative book, Maximum Canada. Saunders presents a bold vision for Canada's future, suggesting that tripling the population is essential for the country's prosperity, equality, and sustainability. Don't miss this opportunity to explore this thought-provoking idea. Register now!

You can purchase Maximum Canada and other featured Mod Squad Books at the United Church Bookstore. Use discount code MODSQUAD for 15% off your purchase of two or more featured books.

Join the conversation and register for the Mod's Book Squad today

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Worship Resources 

See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations.

Thirteenth after Pentecost - August 18, 2024
Fourteenth after Pentecost - August 25, 2024
Fifteenth after Pentecost - September 1, 2024
Creation Time 1 - September 8, 2024
Creation Time 2 - September 15, 2024
World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel - September 16-22, 2024
UN International Day of Peace - September 21, 2024
Creation Time 3 - September 22, 2024
Creation Time 4 - September 29, 2024

For more inspiring worship ideas and resources subscribe to
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