Tuesday, August 13, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Latino evangelicals push for immigration reform ahead of election

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Latino evangelicals push for immigration reform ahead of election

(RNS) — With rising political power, Latino voters will make their voices heard on immigration, but Latinos, including evangelicals, are far from a unified bloc.

US advocacy groups raise awareness for plight of Bangladeshi Hindus

(RNS) — Some see the escalation of anti-Hindu violence in Bangladesh as a chance to unite the global Hindu diaspora.

Five powerful faith moments at the Paris Olympics

(RNS) — Athletes have long attributed faith to their success on the field. Paris was no exception.

Will Tim Walz help Democrats win back Muslims? Unlikely, these leaders say.

(RNS) — The majority of American Muslims see America’s role in the war in Gaza as their top concern in the US presidential election. 

RNS Opinion

Religion and politics, pluses and minuses

(RNS) — Christian nationalism and Catholic integralism suffer from the temptation to arrogantly believe only they know God’s will.

Why is an ultimate goal called a ‘Holy Grail?’

(The Conversation) — Several threads, including pre-Christian mythology, veneration of relics in Christian tradition, and medieval literature, have combined over the centuries into the Holy Grail metaphor of today.


In scandal’s wake, ACNA adopts new rules on reporting misconduct

(RNS) — Amendments to the denomination’s bylaws on preventing and reporting misconduct lay the groundwork for larger revisions, ACNA officials said.

Appeals court rules against Dave Ramsey’s company in COVID-era religious discrimination case

(RNS) — Brad Amos, a former video editor at Ramsey Solutions, claimed he was fired for failing to follow Ramsey's faith-based beliefs on how to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Other News


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