Friday, July 12, 2024

Weekly Outlook - GA commissioners' fossil fuel predicament

Dear readers,

General Assembly may have ended a week ago, but the Outlook team is still hard at work reporting on what happened — and why it matters. This week, we released our post-GA bulletin inserts (everything you need to know in 800 words), and a slew of articles.

I'd like to direct you to one particular article on socially responsible investing. If you weren't following the ENV-02/ENV-06 debate or if you would like an explainer, I'd recommend you take the time to read this report. Something historic happened at General Assembly: an overture related to wealth and ethics was passed and then overturned in favor of a different approach. While the topic may feel abstract, the implications are real for all of us, and Bolt does a great job explaining what can be convoluted.

I'll also add: Alan Olson's reflection and Greg Allen-Pickett's reporting on a gun violence overture also demonstrate the heart and Spirit in the room when it came to making decisions.

Happy reading,
Rose Schrott Taylor
Digital Content Editor
Stories of gun violence and heartbreak lead to unanimous vote for action at #GA226 by Greg Allen-Pickett
#GA226 commissioners painted into a corner over fossil fuel investments by John Bolt
Navigating virtual challenges in the General Assembly, a creative way forward by Greg Allen-Pickett
PC(USA) budgets of $94.9 million and $95 million approved for next two years by John Bolt 
Try to win: Dr. Cynthia Rigby’s relentless hope by Teri McDowell Ott
226th General Assembly confirms Milwaukee as next assembly location and rejects moving to all in-person format by Darla Carter

In case you missed it...

The spirit of connection: Reflections on faith, community and stories
If you ask commissioner Alan Olson about #GA226 in five or ten years, he won't remember the business. He will remember the people.

The story behind the stoles
Newly elected co-moderators delight the assembly with their custom, symbolic stoles. — Greg Allen-Pickett

PC(USA) investing agencies asked to sell bonds of occupying countries
Commissioners also OK’d ‘focused engagement’ with GE, Palantir over military operations. — John Bolt

Racial Equity Advocacy Committee members celebrate the passage of RSG-05
The resolution addresses diversity, equity and inclusion and the realities of Hispanic Latino-a-é ministry. — Mike Ferguson

#GA226 advances two-part inclusivity change to Book of Order
The Olympia overture now heads to presbyteries following GA for majority approval. — Gregg Brekke

#GA226 adopts overhaul of Assembly Standing Rules by wide margin
Major changes include moving moderator elections and ending mission advisory delegates. — John Bolt

Board of Pensions health care dues recommended for further exploration
General Assembly Entity Coordination presents non-consent agenda items to #GA226. — Gregg Brekke

The chair of the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment, the Rev. Kerri Allen, concludes her leadership role
Allen says she has continued hope for MRTI’s role in holding companies accountable.— Shani E. McIlwain

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