Friday, July 19, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As Usha Vance dazzles, Hindu Americans leaning further right than ever

RNS Morning Report

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As Usha Vance dazzles, Hindu Americans leaning further right than ever

(RNS) — Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, some analysts wonder if the largely Democratic voter group may be shifting its interests.

Catholics pray for unity as the National Eucharistic Congress begins

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — ‘'We ask that through us a spirit of unity and peace would reign in our country,’ Crookston, Minnesota, Bishop Andrew Cozzens prayed.

New show ‘The Promised Land’ tells Moses’ story in the style of ‘The Office’

(RNS) — RNS spoke with writer and director Mitch Hudson, who is also a crew member on 'The Chosen,' about what's next for the new series.

In Hiroshima, the Vatican joined religious leaders to change the narrative on AI

(RNS) — Muslims, Jews, Catholics and religious leaders from Eastern traditions gathered to call for an ethical use of artificial intelligence.

RNS Opinion

What the Catholic Church says about political violence and the need to forgive

(The Conversation) — At a time when so much violence and war are ravaging the world, a scholar of medieval Christianity explains Catholic views on the morality of warfare and the value of forgiving enemies.

When Shirley Chisholm paid a visit to George Wallace

(RNS) — Visiting Wallace, perhaps the country's most prominent white supremacist at the time, after an assassination attempt, the Black congresswoman showed our country that it always has the opportunity to be more than it is.


Conservatives balk at Sikh prayer, but diverse religious voices are a convention tradition

Monday wasn’t even the first time Harmeet Kaur Dhillon has offered a Sikh prayer at an RNC gathering, nor was she the first to do so.

Congregations in best financial health since pandemic, clergy say in new report

(RNS) — Leaders say their institutions are generally financially stable, if a bit limited due to inflation.

In Other News


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