Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Presbyterians for Earth Care - GA Update and July Webinar Series

Presbyterians for Earth Care members are heartbroken that the General Assembly voted by a 2 to 1 margin for the ENV-02 overture, “On Removal of Investments In and Subsidies for Fossil Fuels,” on Tuesday morning and then voted it down later in the day.  We have come closer than ever to our goal and will continue to work towards it.  The church may be silent, but Hurricane Beryl, supersized by the climate crisis, loudly shows that we need to do more.  

We encourage church members to support divestment efforts personally, as well as in their churches, governing bodies, and educational institutions now.  We will share fossil free options from the Presbyterian Foundation and Pensions’ retirement savings.

We celebrate the GA passing other actions:  ENV-01 Adoption of the One Billion for Peace Pledge; ENV-03 On Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution; ENV-04 Lithium Mining Paper; ENV-07 Docket Time for Treasury Department to Educate About Inflation Reduction Act and DOE-08 On Adopting "Protecting Utah's National Monuments & Wildlands for Ecology and Justice"

Our work continues with three webinars in July that will review GA actions, explore solar for churches and their communities, and highlight someone from the Treasury Department to educate about the Inflation Reduction Act that benefits our churches, members and God’s creation.  

We will continue to care for God’s creation and welcome others to join this needed, faithful work.

Grace and Peace.

Bruce Gillette

Moderator, Presbyterians for Earth Care

NEW!  PEC July Webinar Series!

226th General Assembly Recap and Green Energy Projects with Funding for Your Congregation

July Webinar I: Review of GA 226 Biennial Meeting and Impacts on PCUSA Earth Care

The national meeting of our Presbyterian Church (USA) that met June 25 – July 4, 2024, discussed a number of important environmental concerns.  First was an overture by PEC members that was approved by 13 presbyteries, asking the church to divest from fossil fuels.  Another PEC-sponsored overture dealt with reducing plastic pollution.  A third overture dealt with protecting Utah Wilderness. Other environmental overtures we also supported by PEC.  Those who were involved in developing these overtures and testifying at the General Assembly included Fred Milligan (co-chair of PEC Advocacy committee), Mark Eakin (PEC Steering Committee), Bruce Gillette (PEC Moderator), Jenny Holmes (co-chair of PEC Advocacy Committee), and Pam Mc Vety (PEC Advocacy Committee), amongst many others.  Please join us for discussion of how to interpret and implement these actions and an opportunity for questions and answers. 

Webinar Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EDT (6:30 CDT, 5:30 MDT, 4:30 PDT)

Presenters: Mark Eakin, Bruce Gillette, Pam McVety, Fred Milligan

July Webinar II: Developing Community Solar Projects 

In 2024, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church won the Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations Renewable Role Model Award for developing a Community Solar project with newly installed solar on the roof of their facility whose output exceeded their needs. How did they do that? What are some of the incentives and options for getting solar on your property?  Mark and June Eakin will present their church’s story and offer resources for other congregations interested in adding to our nation’s renewable energy portfolio.

Webinar Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EDT (6:30 CDT, 5:30 MDT, 4:30 PDT)

Presenters: Mark and June Eakin, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church

July Webinar III: IRA Funds for Church Green Energy Projects

Ronald Newman, Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Treasury for Inflation Reduction Act Implementation, has spent the past several months engaging faith-based organizations and intermediaries such as Interfaith Power & Light regarding the Inflation Reduction Act framework, explaining concepts ranging from Direct Pay to the Investment Tax Credit. I have taken steps to better ensure that faith-based organizations can access the support they need with project planning, project management, financial analysis, financing, tax preparation and filing, and more.  Mr. Newman will explain how Presbyterians can lead within the faith-based community in the clean energy transition. Join us to learn more about how congregations can access this critical funding to make the installation of green energy projects possible.

Webinar Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Time: 7:30 pm EDT (6:30 CDT, 5:30 MDT, 4:30 PDT)

Presenters: Ronald Newman, U.S. Dept. of Treasury

How can we help you care for God’s creation?  Drop us an email and let us know at

Help us grow! Please let us know if there is anyone we should add to our list!  Just reply to this email.  Thank you!

Please help us to continue to assist individuals and churches in creation care work by donating to PEC through our website by CLICKING HERE.  Thank you!

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