Monday, July 22, 2024

RNS Morning Report:Their son captive in Gaza, parents dedicate a Torah scroll to 120 remaining hostages

RNS Morning Report

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Their son captive in Gaza, parents dedicate a Torah scroll to 120 remaining hostages

JERUSALEM (RNS) — Rachel Goldberg and Jon Polin dedicated the scroll to their son Hersh, the 23-year-old American Israeli wounded at the site of the Re'im music festival before being taken to Gaza by Hamas.

Single Catholics talk struggles of dating at National Eucharistic Congress event

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — Dating while discerning religious vocations was just one topic discussed at an event that also included conversations about the best place to meet other single Catholics and today’s gender dynamics. 

Traditional Latin Mass at National Eucharistic Congress draws enthusiastic crowd

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — Despite restrictions, hundreds of Catholics came out to the first of two traditional Latin Masses offered at the National Eucharistic Congress, which will also feature four Masses in English, three Masses in Spanish and for youth, a Mass in Vietnamese and three separate Eastern Rite liturgies. 

Amnesty International report condemns France’s hijab ban for its Olympic athletes

(RNS) — According to Amnesty’s report, France’s decision violates the Olympics' fundamental principles.

Kenyan youth protesters hold Christian leaders to account as they force economic changes

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — 'It is a wakeup call for the churches,' said an Anglican priest. 'The churches should remain independent, and I think the youth are angry that this is not the case.'

RNS Opinion

Eucharistic Revival and synodality

(RNS) — Synodality is about communion, participation and mission; so, too, is the Eucharist. Too bad the Eucharistic Revival is not.

Is the GOP the party of life and liberty no more?

(RNS) — Dobbs gave states power to deal with abortion. It didn't end the federal government's responsibility to protect life.


Catholics pray for unity as the National Eucharistic Congress begins

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — ‘'We ask that through us a spirit of unity and peace would reign in our country,’ Crookston, Minnesota, Bishop Andrew Cozzens prayed.

As Usha Vance dazzles, Hindu Americans leaning further right than ever

(RNS) — Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, some analysts wonder if the largely Democratic voter group may be shifting its interests.

In Other News


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