Wednesday, July 31, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As nations face off in Olympics, interfaith chaplain corps unites to serve athletes

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Interfaith protest confronts Christians United for Israel summit

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (RNS) — For nearly three days in and around Washington, D.C., an interfaith coalition challenged the pro-Israel messaging of pastor John Hagee and CUFI.

Vatican reports financial gains as it prepares for new profit strategy

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite financial reforms and cutting costs, the Vatican continues to struggle to generate enough revenues.

Hindu pilgrimage sparks anti-Muslim discrimination in India

MUZAFFARNAGAR, India (RNS) — Muslim shop owners are shutting their businesses along the Kanwar Yatra (pilgrimage) route rather than risk attacks.

Drag queens shine at Olympics opening, but ‘Last Supper’ tableau draws criticism

(RNS) -- At the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, Drag queens took center stage in a performance evoking Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper." This segment drew significant attention — and mixed reactions, from viewers across the globe.

RNS Opinion

How Martin Luther King Jr. foresaw Mississippi’s new Episcopal Black bishop

(RNS) — King contrasted Mississippi’s past with his optimistic vision of the state as an ‘oasis of freedom and justice.’

What the Talmud says about why men laugh at Kamala Harris’ laugh

(RNS) — Of course, Trump is not the first to belittle a woman by mocking what comes out of her mouth. 


Catholics, Vatican officials react to controversial Olympic ceremony

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — LGBTQ+ performers posed for what some Christians believe was a mock representation of the Last Supper.

Rev. Barber’s new book demystifies poverty: ‘Black people are not the problem’

(RNS) — The civil rights champion believes he cannot be a moral leader and stand up only for Black people. Far more white people are poor and struggling, too.

In Other News


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