Wednesday, July 10, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Toned-down synod document backs female leadership, but not as deacons

RNS Morning Report

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Toned-down synod document backs female leadership, but not as deacons

(RNS) — The new ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ will guide the discussions of the next Synod on Synodality summit in October.

The Washington insiders helping Sean Feucht spread Christian nationalism in Congress

WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'It is time in America that we take back territory,' Sean Feucht said in a video promoting his efforts to build a base on Capitol Hill.

American Hindu parents are finding innovative ways to pass the faith on to their kids

(RNS) — 'It's a religion of understanding and of knowledge, not of faith. And I think that kind of vibes with the modern generation,' said Instagram's The Hindu Grandma.

Hundreds of mostly exiled Tibetans celebrate the Dalai Lama’s 89th birthday in India’s Dharamshala

DHARAMSHALA, India (AP) — The Dalai Lama has made the hillside town his headquarters since fleeing Tibet after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959.

RNS Opinion

Those Columbia deans deserved their removals. But what’s next?

(RNS) — The challenge of actually addressing the rise of antisemitism.

Hajj in extraordinary heat: what a scholar of Islam saw in Mecca

(The Conversation) — Despite reports of mismanagement, the 2024 Hajj brought together pilgrims of diverse backgrounds from 180 countries.


DoorDash delivers 100 million charity meals, partnering with religious, other nonprofits

(RNS) — 'If it wasn't for DoorDash really partnering with us, a lot of things that we desire to do for the community probably wouldn't come to pass,' a Chicago pastor said.

The Washington insiders helping Sean Feucht spread Christian nationalism in Congress

WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'It is time in America that we take back territory,' Sean Feucht said in a video promoting his efforts to build a base on Capitol Hill.

In Other News


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