Thursday, July 18, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Voter protection training begins as clergy, secular groups look toward election

RNS Morning Report

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Voter protection training begins as clergy, secular groups look toward election

(RNS) — Groups are aiming to equip volunteers to keep the environment calm at polling places, especially in battleground states.

Conservatives balk at Sikh prayer, but diverse religious voices are a convention tradition

Monday wasn’t even the first time Harmeet Kaur Dhillon has offered a Sikh prayer at an RNC gathering, nor was she the first to do so.

Congregations in best financial health since pandemic, clergy say in new report

(RNS) — Leaders say their institutions are generally financially stable, if a bit limited due to inflation.

Decades after Billie Holiday’s death, ‘Strange Fruit’ is still a searing testament to injustice – and of faithful solidarity with suffering

(The Conversation) — Christian and Jewish themes influenced the world of art around one of jazz’s greatest singers.

RNS Opinion

Brazilian Christian groups oppose bill punishing abortion similarly to homicide

SÃO PAULO (RNS) — 'Being against abortion, however, cannot be confused with the desire to see the woman who practices it behind bars," said one statement from a group of Catholic priests.

Violent words, violent consequences

(RNS) — One hopes the dictator-in-waiting reins in his bombast and stops shouting 'fight.'


United Methodists elect a third openly gay, married bishop

(RNS) — Kristin Stoneking will replace Bishop Karen Oliveto, the denomination’s first openly gay married bishop, who, at age 66, is retiring.

At a progressive Christian festival in the woods of North Carolina, psychedelics were top of mind

(RNS) — Joy Crawford described the fascination with hallucinogens as a “cultural groundswell” that the church would do well to catch up with.

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