Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - It's a wrap! Final day brings decisions on Act2 & Continuing Witness + glorious closing worship

16 July

Day 6

Your daily snapshot of the 17th Assembly meeting


Closing Worship

"O God, weave us together"

As the 17th Assembly drew to a close on Day 6, members gave thanks to God in a powerful and joyful time of worship. 

Preaching to the 17th Assembly for a final time, President Rev Charissa Suli shared a word of comfort and encouragement as members depart. 

“As we gather to close the 17th Assembly, let me tell you my heart is so relieved."

Drawing parallels to weariness and exhaustion experienced by the disciples she said, “We too have laboured. We have had talanoa and we’ve woven and unwoven and we’ve served one another. 

Rev Suli encouraged unity and urged members to courageously move forward into the coming triennium.

“Members of Assembly, we need each other. We cannot do this work alone; may the transforming love of Christ transform us.”

Communion was led by Rev Suli and President-elect Rev Dr Paul Goh. Melissa Yimayima from the Northern Regional Council of Congress and Northern Synod Moderator-elect Rev Dr Michelle Cook led an Action Song. Rev Ellie Elia offered the Prayers of the People, inviting members to gently tie pieces of cloth on those next to them as a sign of peace. 

Thanks was given for all who have been a part of the Assembly over the past six days. We pray all members journey home safe with threads of Christ's love deep in their hearts.  

Read about Worship


Final day brings decisions on Act2

The 17th Assembly has made a series of decisions arising out of the Act2 Project, adopting three new visions for the life of the Uniting Church, establishing two new national Commissions, and requesting a further investigation into the Uniting Church’s national structure. Read our high-level summary now, with more detail to follow.


Assembly recognises Continuing Witness

The 17th Assembly has agreed to recognise three ecumenical documents as “continuing witness” to the Gospel of Jesus Christ”. The Belhar Confession, The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and Laudato si’ have been recognised as part of a new category of statements or confessions of faith from other churches which we might receive and learn from. 


New ASC, Advocates and Chairs 

Meet the new Assembly Standing Committee who will serve over the next three years! They were appointed today alongside Advocates for Circles of Interest and Chairpersons for Assembly committees and agencies. 


Final reflections

Thanks to the Signal Box team for summing up our final day perfectly in this video of reflections, including from President Rev Charissa Suli, General Secretary (Interim) Rev Lindsay Cullen and some of our Synod Moderators. Includes wonderful footage of worship!



Church partners share

Offering words of wisdom, insight and friendship, the 17th Assembly heard reflections from the leaders of three overseas church partners on the final day who were present across the six days. Rev Jordan Sumner and Rev Mark Kickett presented gifts of appreciation.

Read more


The final day in photos

Share in the powerful worship, the Minutes of Appreciation and the key decisions of the final day of the 17th Assembly meeting. See all the photos from the day, including group pictures of Congress members and the worship band who have led the gathering in song.

See the photos

Minutes of Appreciation

Significant ministry recognised

The Assembly recognised the significant work of people involved in the life and ministry of the Assembly, its committees and agencies. The President offered a word of prayer for Rev Loni Vaitohi, former Working for Justice Advocate, who passed away in 2023.

See the MOAs
Join us in Prayer for: 
  • 17th Assembly members as they travel home. For safe journeys and full hearts.
  • All decisions made at the Assembly meeting. We give thanks for the work thus far and pray for the work ahead to communicate these matters to the Church. 
  • All those involved in the 17th Assembly. We give thanks for the generosity of their gifts and service. We pray for time to rest and be renewed. 

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