Wednesday, July 17, 2024

RNS Morning Report: At RNC, an uneven, awkward embrace of religious pluralism

RNS Morning Report

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At RNC, an uneven, awkward embrace of religious pluralism

(RNS) — As a Republican official led a Sikh prayer, images of Christian crosses flashed behind her.

United Methodists elect a third openly gay, married bishop

(RNS) — Kristin Stoneking will replace Bishop Karen Oliveto, the denomination’s first openly gay married bishop, who, at age 66, is retiring.

In ‘Disciples in the Moonlight,’ US Christians are persecuted and the Bible is banned

(RNS) — Mike Pence praised the Christian action film as a 'cautionary tale' that should 'inspire people of faith to do even more to protect religious freedom in America.'

National Eucharistic Congress, a Catholic mega-event, to kick off evangelization year

(RNS) — 'I have this sense that we as a nation are about to experience a profound breakthrough,' the Rev. Josh Johnson, an emcee of the congress, said.

RNS Opinion


People of faith mobilize when our country needs us. This year, democracy needs us.

(RNS) — Helping at the polls aligns with some basic values of faith, from hospitality to honoring our neighbors.


Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance

(RNS) — If Trump is elected, Vance would be the second Catholic vice president in US history — after Joe Biden.

Religious exemptions to Title IX on trial again in appeals case against US Dept of Ed

(RNS) — With the support of 19 state attorneys general, the Hunter plaintiffs are back in court to make their case against LGBTQ+ discrimination in religious higher education institutions.

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