Tuesday, July 16, 2024

E-ssentials: General Council Strategic Plan Report, Call for Bulletin Photos, and more!

The United Church of Canada Releases First Strategic Plan Report

Strategic Plan fish infographic

The United Church of Canada sets its sights on the future with the release of its first General Council Strategic Plan Report, outlining initial progress on ambitious goals established for three years for 2023–2025.

This report delves deeper than just finances, offering a transparent roadmap of General Council Office priorities. It details  contributions to the vision of a bold, connected, and evolving church with thriving communities.

Transparency and accountability are cornerstones of this plan, with progress reports available quarterly. It serves as a companion piece to existing resources, complementing in-depth reports for the General Council Executive and ongoing updates on the "Our Call and Vision" webpage.

The full report details the six strategic pillars guiding its journey. It also shares inspiring stories showcasing how the plan is already being implemented.

Explore the full report in the recent news story.

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Mourning with Kenya Following Deadly Protests

Protester in Kenya

The United Church of Canada stands in solidarity with the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) following the deaths of protestors in demonstrations against proposed tax hikes.

The NCCK condemned the violent response from Kenyan police and military forces, urging the government to listen to the concerns of its youth. The World Council of Churches also echoed calls for dialogue and respect for human rights.

Read the full news story and the NCCK's statement.

[Photo credit: NCCK]

Calling All Shutterbugs! Submit Your Photos for United Church Bulletin Covers!

Call for Bulletin Photos
Love photography and the United Church? We're looking for stunning photos for our bulletin covers! From seasonal scenes to church details and beautiful Canadian landscapes, we want images that inspire. Submit your best shots online for a chance to be featured and earn $100! Show us your talent and help share the spirit of the Church. Find out more submission details and submit yours today!

Does your community of faith need new bulletins? Check out all the new stocked bulletins at the United Church Bookstore

[Photo credit:] Matt Robinson, Bob Root, Mary C. Moore, Ian Ball, Yuvadee Feltham,Gil Collicott, The United Church of Canada, Joyce DeMeester, Sharon Schmidt, S. McAlpine]

Support the Ministers Retreat

Tree branch with leaves and sunlight peering through

Imagine facing seven funerals in a month—all young people lost to suicide. This is the reality for ministers like Olive FlettLawrence Moore, and Grant Queskekapow. In just one community, Norway House Cree Nation (Kinosao Sipi), with a population of 10,000, the emergency is very real.
These dedicated individuals are the only lifeline for countless grieving families. These ministers are stretched beyond capacity, and they desperately need our support.

Support the Ministers Retreat and donate today to support their vital work and bring hope back to these communities.
[Image credit: Canva]

Mission and Service Stories: Restoring Lost Languages

Indigenous Elder helping a Youth
Revitalizing a lost language, as one of our partners in Nunavut is doing, is an important way to preserve not just the language but also the culture that surrounds it. 

Your gifts to Mission and Service help partners continue to restore language and culture.

[Photo credit:Pitquhirnikkut Ilihautiniq/Kitikmeot Heritage Society]

The United Church Bookstore: Anti-Racism Curriculum

I am a Changemaker: Teaching Anti-Racist with Children

Looking to raise anti-racist children and create a more equitable world? The United Church Bookstore offers a new curriculum specifically designed for leaders working with children aged 6-12. This faith-based resource empowers ministers, Sunday school teachers, parents, and anyone who cares about fostering a more inclusive future for all kids. Download your copy today from the United Church Bookstore website.
[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Worship Resources 

See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations.

Ninth after Pentecost - July 21, 2024
Tenth after Pentecost - July 28, 2024
Eleventh after Pentecost - August 4, 2024
Emancipation Sunday - August 4, 2024
Twelfth after Pentecost - August 11, 2024
Thirteenth after Pentecost - August 18, 2024
Fourteenth after Pentecost - August 25, 2024
Fifteenth after Pentecost - September 1, 2024

For more inspiring worship ideas and resources subscribe to GatheringWorship.ca
Important Note: The images included in this newsletter are protected by copyright. While we encourage you to share the newsletter itself, please don't copy or use the images independently. Thanks for your understanding!
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