Monday, July 29, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As Olympics get underway, French Catholics hold prayer vigil for athletes

RNS Morning Report

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As Olympics get underway, French Catholics hold prayer vigil for athletes 

“It got to my heart,” said Joseph Green, a sprinter from Guam.

Church of the Nazarene expels LGBTQ affirming theologian

(RNS) — The church court stripped the Rev. Thomas Jay Oord of Nampa, Idaho, of his preaching credentials and expelled him from membership in the 2.5 million-member global denomination.

What is the ERLC and why do Southern Baptists keep getting mad at its leader?

(RNS) — Turmoil at the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has increased calls to disband the denomination's public policy arm, but some SBC pastors say it can and should be saved.

Ascension adds nine Illinois hospitals to string of sales

(RNS) — Thursday’s announcement is the latest in a string of other Ascension sale announcements as the system shifts focus to outpatient care and telehealth.

Sonya Massey said ‘I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.’ What’s the significance?

(RNS) — Massey’s near-final words, said shortly before she was fatally shot by a deputy, have taken on a life of their own.

RNS Opinion

Could the White House become a Jewish home?

(RNS) — American Jews can't at once crave powerlessness and invisibility.

How Kamala Harris and JD Vance appeal to Hindu voters

(RNS) — In the 100-plus days before Election Day, Harris has an opportunity to re-engage Hindu voters.


Would Kamala Harris adopt Joe Biden’s policies on Israel?

(RNS) — For some young Jewish activists, Harris’ ascendancy gives them hope there might be some shifts in Israel policy, if she wins the presidency in November.

Catholic Rio Grande Valley migrant shelter wins victory against Texas AG

It's the latest legal defeat for a Republican-led investigation of Catholic migrant shelters.

In Other News


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