Tuesday, July 23, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Kamala Harris’ multi-religious identity is a map of the future

RNS Morning Report

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Kamala Harris’ multi-religious identity is a map of the future

(RNS) — She would be the first presidential candidate with a diverse personal religious and spiritual history that is now far more representative of America’s multi-faith makeup.

In small-town Illinois, a little church says goodbye

MOUNT VERNON, Ill. (RNS) — Ryan Burge, pastor and sociologist, has documented church decline for years. This Sunday, after 150 years, his own church held its final service.

Bishops close National Eucharistic Congress with challenge to ‘change our society’

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — Minnesota Bishop Robert Barron told attendees, 'This great revival will have been a failure if we don't change our society.'

Mosque with ties to Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali receives historic preservation funds

(RNS) — Masjid Muhammad in Washington, DC, is the first African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund awardee connected to the Islamic faith.

RNS Opinion

The sad comedown of the Mormon Satan

(RNS) — Satan has become that voice of chronic self-doubt in your head, telling you that you’re not good enough, and, hey, you really ought to eat that second brownie.

Why are Israelis so happy?

(RNS) — Clue: perhaps we need to sing more. Together.


Single Catholics talk struggles of dating at National Eucharistic Congress event

INDIANAPOLIS (RNS) — Dating while discerning religious vocations was just one topic discussed at an event that also included conversations about the best place to meet other single Catholics and today’s gender dynamics. 

Activists, religious leaders say Democrats pressing Biden to bow out should respect ‘process’

(RNS) — 'We are troubled by anti-democratic efforts within the Democratic Party to subvert the established processes to achieve someone’s idea of the most electable ticket,' the letter reads. 

In Other News


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