Monday, July 15, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Faith leaders, politicians invoke God’s protection for Trump in wake of shooting

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Faith leaders, politicians invoke God’s protection for Trump in wake of shooting

(RNS) — Many also asked for prayers for the country as a whole and the polarized political landscape.

Matt Chandler under fire as podcast alleges Village Church hired father despite known abuse

(RNS) — The allegations, which were shared in the 'Bodies Behind the Bus' podcast earlier this week, have sparked controversy online.

The Knights of Columbus will cover Rupnik mosaics, pending investigation

(RNS) — The lay Catholic men’s organization said it may cover the artwork in plaster after the conclusion of the Vatican's investigation into Rupnik's alleged sexual abuse.

RNS Opinion

The church is radicalizing over Gaza

(RNS) — Islamists, Zionists and conservative evangelicals are strange extremist bedfellows indeed.

State Department criticizes religious persecution: But will it act?

(RNS) — For the United States to credibly pronounce human rights to matter, then it must matter in all our relationships, friend and foe alike.


Forgotten in a coconut field, an 800-year-old tombstone expands India’s Jewish history

(RNS) — Identified as the oldest Jewish artifact in India, the stone may be evidence of a previously unknown community. 

Online spaces create community for spiritual yoga practitioners

(RNS) — Yoga churches, and the people who lead them, represent the evolving landscape of spirituality in America, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to create a supportive community for seekers of all backgrounds.

In Other News


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