Monday, July 8, 2024

RNS Morning Report: With National Rally showing strength in Sunday’s vote, French Muslims hold their breath

RNS Morning Report

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With National Rally showing strength in Sunday’s vote, French Muslims hold their breath

PARIS (RNS) — While National Rally leader Marine Le Pen recently said no Muslim citizens would lose rights if her party won, Muslim leaders expect the closure of many mosques and Islamic schools, the deportation of foreign imams and stricter bans on wearing hijab if Sunday's vote goes her way.

Bills to enhance religion in schools spur fights between faiths

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As lawmakers push faith-focused education bills, the statutes are facing pushback from an unexpected source: other religious people.

With new patriarch, Bulgarian Orthodox Church turns toward Moscow

ISTANBUL (RNS) — Many who opposed Daniil, the new Patriarch of All Bulgaria, worry that his election represents a sharp turn away from the policies of his predecessor, Neophyte I, who is remembered as a unifier.

‘Which parts of the world do we stop covering?’ Former leaders alarmed by USCCB layoffs ask

(RNS) — 'The budget of an organization reflects its priorities,' said retired Des Moines, Iowa, Bishop Richard Pates.

RNS Opinion

The Americans with Disabilities Act is still doing its work. Churches should join in.

(RNS) — A church that includes people with disabilities is a more radiant church.


California Baptists cut staff, citing decline in Cooperative Program Giving

(RNS) — Overall giving to the SBC’s national funding program is down about 2%.

The Episcopal Church revises clergy misconduct protocols for fairness, transparency

(RNS) — The changes come as the denomination prepares to welcome a new presiding bishop with a history of bringing abuse to light.

In Other News

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