Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NCC Newsletter – July 5, 2024

NCC Newsletter

July 5, 2024

NCC Freedom Summer Upcoming Events

Join the first virtual session of NCC Freedom Academy, "The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me: Sacred Spirituality of Freedom/ Theology of Freedom," with Rev. Stephen A. Green, dynamic activist and Pastor of the Greater Allen A.M.E Cathedral of New York, this Sunday, July 7 at 6 p.m. ET! This is the first installment of the multi-week NCC Freedom Summer "Sunday school" series covering Luke 4. Participants will have access to the accompanying curriculum that highlights civic engagement, social justice, and the importance of voting rights from a faith-based perspective.

Don't miss this powerful and timely session! Invite your church congregation to this live virtual Bible study and get equipped as people of faith for this election season and beyond.

The NCC Freedom Ride will kick off with an Ecumenical Worship Service on July 19 at 7 p.m. at the Church of Oakland 1025 Jessie Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206, where Rev Dr. Christopher McKee, Jr., is Senior Pastor. Join NCC for a time of worship and edification! The guest speaker is Bishop Rudolph W. McKissick, Jr., Senior Pastor of the Bethel Church. The first stop of the Freedom Ride will conclude the following day with a civic engaging training and canvassing. For more details and to partner with NCC for these events, please email freedomsummer@nationalcouncilofchurches.us. To register, please visit bit.ly/nccfreedomsummer24.

Share the news with your community and help NCC engage, educate, and empower voters this election season.

Committed to Unity: NCC Attends 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church

L-r: Bishop Gregory Vaughn Palmer, the United Methodist Church's Episcopal Leader of the Ohio West Area, Monica Schaap Pierce, Christian Churches Together Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller, the Moravian Church in America, Bishop Teresa E. Snorton, Ecumenical Officer of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and NCC Immediate Pass Chair, and Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, NCC President and General Secretary, at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky in June 2024.

The National Council of Churches (NCC) recently had the privilege of participating in the ecumenical activities of the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church, held in Louisville, Kentucky, from June 23-28, 2024. The triennial includes worship and legislative sessions. There was also a public witness against gun violence, panel discussion on the church’s role in the Indigenous boarding school and the Most Rev. Bishop Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church’s signature revival service.

The presence of the NCC at this celebration reaffirmed its commitment to fostering ecumenical relations and underscored the importance of unity among Christian denominations. The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, NCC Governing Board Chair and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Presiding Bishop, Bishop Teresa E. Snorton, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME) Ecumenical Officer and NCC Immediate Pass Chair, Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller, Moravian Church in America, Fr. Nicolas Kazarian, Ecumenical Officer of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, were among the many NCC members represented.

A major highlight of the gathering was the election of the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop Diocesan of Northwest Pennsylvania and Bishop Provisional of Western New York, as the 28th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. He was elected on the first ballot by the House of Bishops and confirmed by the House of Deputies. Julia Ayala Harris was re-elected as House of Deputies President, the Rev. Steve Pankey, Deputy from the Diocese of Kentucky, was elected as Vice President of the House of Deputies.

The 81st General Convention provided the sense of hope with the election of their new presiding bishop supported by the ongoing legacy of Bishop Michael Curry. The Episcopal Church is poised for a future filled with promise and faith-driven action. The NCC looks forward to continuing its close collaboration with the Episcopal Church and our other covenant communions to advance the cause of Christ in the world.

L-r: NCC staff and NCC Governing Board members with ecumenical leaders at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky in June 2024.
L-r: Monica Schaap Pierce, Christian Churches Together Executive Director, Rev. Margaret Rose, the Episcopal Church's Deputy to the Presiding Bishop for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, attend the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Louisville, Kentucky in June 2024.

Voting Is A Health Matter!

By Bishop Teresa E. Snorton, Ecumenical Officer of The CME Church and Member of the NCC Health Task Force

We often do not make the connection between voting and our health. Surprisingly, a number of health decisions are made by elected officials and not by our doctors and other medical professionals. Voting in all elections—local, state, and national—is important because legislative bodies make decisions that impact our individual access to care and our overall health outcomes. Voting is a matter of “life and health!" Who is elected to office to make those decisions is important and what they believe about the sanctity of the life of everyone is crucial.

NCC Signs Faith Letter on Crisis in Sudan

The NCC joined 24 organizations, led by Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) and American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), in sending a letter to the Biden administration about the devastation in Sudan. The letter urges President Biden to collaborate with international leaders to alleviate suffering and take action to end hostilities in Sudan.

Register for CMEP Joint Prayer Service

Register today for Churches for Middle East Peace's (CMEP) Joint Prayer Service on the steps of the United Methodist Building 100 Maryland Ave NE, DC 20002 on July 24 at 9 a.m. ET. before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress. This ecumenical gathering, co-sponsored by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, will include prayer for an end to the violence and military action in Gaza.

Take Action: Follow NCC's Tips to Advocate for Unhoused Persons

After the Supreme Court's ruling on Grants Pass v. Johnson on June 28, Adwoa Rey, NCC Advocacy Consultant, participated in an organizing webinar on ways to support the effort to protect unhoused persons and end homelessness. NCC's recent Legislative Update highlighted practical steps faith leaders, clergy and congregations can take now:

  1. Sign up for advocacy alerts on the National Alliance to End Homelessness website.

  2. Reach out to the National Homeless Law Center to obtain template legislation protecting unhoused persons.

  3. Meet with your mayor and local elected officials to educate them about solutions to homelessness.

Join NCC in the continued effort to stand for justice and care for those in need.

DHS to Distribute $160 Million in Nonprofit Security Grant Program Funds

In June, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced it plans to distribute $160 million in Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) funds. This distribution is a portion of the $390 million included in the fiscal year 2024 National Security Supplemental, critical to the Biden-Harris Administration's continued efforts to combat violence against faith-based institutions and nonprofit organizations.

Poll Chaplain/Peacekeeper Training
with Faiths United to Save Democracy Starts July 15

The first training for the Poll Chaplain/Peace Keeper training with Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) is July 15 at 7 p.m. ET. Register for the first session and learn about how you can help ensure that prospective voters have access to free, fair, and safe elections.

Training Days (Mondays: 7:00–8:30 p.m. ET)

  • July 15, 22

  • August 12, 26

  • September 9, 16, 30

Poll Chaplains / Peacekeepers will be placed in priority polling sites located in: AL, AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, and WI.

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