Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - A new President-elect for the UCA! Congratulations Rev Dr Paul Dongwon Goh

14 July

Day 4

Your daily snapshot of the 17th Assembly meeting

Our Featured Story


Rev Dr Paul Dongwon Goh elected President-Elect

The 17th Assembly has joyfully elected Rev Dr Paul Dongwon Goh as the next President-elect of the Uniting Church in Australia. Paul will be the first Korean to serve as President.

"Beloved Assembly members, this morning God has once again surprised me through your collective discernment and call to be your President-elect of the Uniting Church in Australia," said Paul. "I’m incredibly honoured and humbled. Thank you for putting your trust and support in me."

"I feel incredibly hopeful for the Uniting Church and I hope I can witness and invite people to rejoice in this sense of hope. I believe in the power of love. I love the Uniting Church deeply. I believe God will continue to renew and revive us as his church in this Kairos time and in his own strange and surprising ways."

Paul is currently Justice & CALD Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Officer in the Mission Resourcing team of the Synod of South Australia, and has served the Assembly as Advocate of the Being a Multicultural Church Circle and on the Act2 Steering Committee.

He brings a deep passion for and extensive experience in multicultural and cross-cultural ministry. He will serve the Church as President from 2027-2030.

See the announcement on Facebook and watch the video.

Read our story


"You alone are my heart's desire"

Day 4 of the 17th Assembly meeting commenced with another session of spirit-filled and thought-provoking worship and teaching. Reflecting on Samaritan woman at the well, Rev Dr Bec Lindsay asked members to consider the threads of love we need to hold onto and the ones we need to unpick. In uplifting praise at the start and end of the day, members sang, "You are alone are my heart's desire". 


Hear from our members on Day 4

Over halfway through the meeting, we asked our members (including our new President-Elect 🥳) for their reflections as they gather and discern for the fourth day. Four down, one and a half to go!


Agency reports Day 4

On Day 4, members heard reports from Uniting Church agencies, committees and ministries including the Assembly Audit Finance and Risk Committee (AFARC), UnitingWorld, Frontier Services and Defence Force Chaplaincy Committee, plus a report and proposal from Standards for Ministry.


Early morning worship marks Freedom Sunday

Early morning worship at the 17th Assembly marked Freedom Sunday for Kanaky and Ma'ohi Nui. In prayer and communion, we stood in solidarity with our close neighbours, especially the Kanaky people and the people of Ma'ohi Nui who long for freedom and justice.

Read the story


Got your Assembly T-shirt?

17th Assembly members - have you checked out the official Threads of Love tees? Make sure you visit the Assembly Resourcing Unit's stall in the Atrium, and visit all the others in the marketplace!

See the T-shirts


Get all the photo highlights from Day 4

Don't miss these great snaps from all the action on Day 4 - morning worship, agency reports and proposals, deep dives into the Assembly's ministries, lunch with Frontier Services and fellowship goodness. Post your photos with the official hashtags #threadsoflove #uca24

See the photos


Frontier Services lunch

Frontier Services hosted a lunchtime panel discussion with three  Bush Chaplains who shared a conversation about their ministry supporting people in remote places. 

Meet the Bush Chaplains
Coming up on Day 5...
  • Worship and teaching
  • Further discernment on Act2 and other business
  • Uniting Church Adult Fellowship report and recognition

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