Thursday, July 11, 2024

RNS Morning Report: How a perfect storm sent church insurance rates skyrocketing

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

How a perfect storm sent church insurance rates skyrocketing

(RNS) — The same factors that have caused a crisis in the homeowner's insurance market are also affecting churches, who have to choose between paying for insurance or running programs.

A seminary is investigated for sexual harassment. Now its critics want the findings made public.

(RNS) — An investigation into sexual harassment and misconduct at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles was completed last month. It has not been made public.

Artist Tobi Kahn receives ‘chaver’ honor, an ancient tradition with a modern twist

(RNS) — The German-Jewish title with ancient roots is granted to those who exhibit significant spiritual and material leadership in their community.

Students call for transparency as Cornerstone University guts humanities programs

(RNS) — Several former faculty told RNS that the changes include the involuntary departures of six tenured faculty who had already signed contracts for the next school year.

RNS Opinion

At Buddhist-Christian dialogue, finding solidarity amid shifting religious landscape

(RNS) — In a polarized country renegotiating the role of religion in civic life, interfaith partnerships are critical.

Hidden in plain sight: The world’s neglected humanitarian crises 

(RNS) — We too often see occasions of incongruence between donor interest and the actual greatest situations of need.


American Hindu parents are finding innovative ways to pass the faith on to their kids

(RNS) — 'It's a religion of understanding and of knowledge, not of faith. And I think that kind of vibes with the modern generation,' said Instagram's The Hindu Grandma.

Toned-down synod document backs female leadership, but not as deacons

(RNS) — The new ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ will guide the discussions of the next Synod on Synodality summit in October.

In Other News


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