Friday, July 26, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Would Kamala Harris adopt Joe Biden’s policies on Israel?

RNS Morning Report

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Would Kamala Harris adopt Joe Biden’s policies on Israel?

(RNS) — For some young Jewish activists, Harris’ ascendancy gives them hope there might be some shifts in Israel policy, if she wins the presidency in November.

Catholic Rio Grande Valley migrant shelter wins victory against Texas AG

It's the latest legal defeat for a Republican-led investigation of Catholic migrant shelters.

Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem moat, solving 150-year-old mystery

JERUSALEM (RNS) — A different piece of the ancient moat was discovered in the 1960s but mistaken as a natural valley.

India’s Christian leaders work to convince Modi government to curb attacks

(RNS) — False charges of forced conversion, say the leaders, are used to target Christians, who cite attacks on church properties and institutions, the harassment of pastors and raids on private parties.

RNS Opinion

Why mandating biblical texts in public schools may backfire

(RNS) — Christian conservatives pushing to teach their faith in public schools risk secularizing Christianity.

President Biden and the Jewish mystical message

(RNS) — When Biden withdrew from the presidential election campaign, something else was going on. Something cosmic.


As Netanyahu addresses Congress, protests rock Capitol

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As Netanyahu slammed protesters in front of Congress, thousands gathered outside, many accusing him of war crimes.

Kamala Harris’ heritage draws attention to Hinduism’s complex history in Caribbean

(RNS) — For many who claim Indo-Caribbean heritage, Vice President Kamala Harris’ spotlight is the perfect chance to dive into the community’s lesser-known past: where indigenous faiths and cultural traditions found more in common than not.

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