Friday, July 12, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - Appreciation, Act2 talanoa, celebration and truth-telling on Day 2 of the 17th Assembly

12 July

Day 2

Your daily snapshot of the 17th Assembly meeting

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Outgoing President addresses Assembly

Rev Sharon Hollis has delivered her retiring President’s address to the 17th Assembly, expressing her deep gratitude for all the past three years have held and sharing those things which are on her heart as her term comes to a close.

“I give thanks to God and the Assembly for calling me to the office of President,” she said. “It has been one of the great joys and privileges of my life. It has given me the opportunity to travel across these lands and the world to witness firsthand the movement of the Spirit renewing the whole creation.”

“Witnessing the many faithful communities of faith and faithful disciples of Jesus joining in with the work of the Spirit has filled me with gratitude at all God is doing and hope for what God will do.”

“I chose Dwelling in Love as the theme for the 16th Assembly. It was an invitation to reflect that the impulse of God is to love, and love, and love, and to invite us into this love, to make our home and purpose in God and God’s love.  This love enlarges our hearts and minds to see God’s care for the whole creation and for each of us.”

Moderator of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Rev David Fotheringham delivered a Minute of Appreciation.

“For the way that Sharon has fulfilled the role of President with heart and strength, vulnerability and faithfulness, insight, wisdom and love, we offer our deep appreciation.”

Watch a snippet of the retiring President's address on Facebook.

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A call to do better

Members of the 17th Assembly were challenged to recommit to the work of reconciliation and justice on Friday night in a celebration of 30 years of covenant relationship as First and Second Peoples. In a program curated by the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC), the celebration featured cultural dance, song, story, prayer and a powerful challenge to do better in our commitments to be in true relationship with the First Peoples of this land.


Congress shares joys, sorrows and dreams

This morning the 17th Assembly meeting received a report from the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). In a powerful and forward-looking address, National Chair Rev Mark Kickett described Congress’ purpose: “for First Peoples to be autonomous and live freely in decision making as we minister with First Peoples and engage all peoples in theological, culturally safe, and holistic ways.”


First information session on the Act2 report

Members of the 17th Assembly have had their first opportunity to engage with the Act2 Project report in an information session on Friday afternoon. The report and proposals were introduced by Act2 Steering Committee Chair Rev Sharon Hollis and ASC member Rev Linda Driver.


Day 2 opens with joyful worship

Opening worship on Day 2 continued the joy experienced at Rev Charissa Suli’s installation service last night, with multi-lingual singing, talanoa with Rev Ken Sumner, the Park Church Tongan congregation choir and communion.


17th Assembly members reflect

We get members of the 17th Assembly on camera as they gather for Day 2. Hear from Alison Overeem, Kym Korbe, Charlie Kelly, Kerry Wilson and more, about how they're finding the meeting so far and what they're looking forward to. Two days down, four to go!

17th Assembly

Interim Gen Sec presents

The Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) Report was delivered by Interim General Secretary Rev Lindsay Cullen, reportin on a busy triennium period for the ASC. He also presented his own report in his capacity as Gen Sec, highlighting the work of the ARU and Assembly agencies.

Read the story

17th Assembly

A Day in a Life Of exhibition

A Day in the Life of My Uniting Church is a photography project by Assembly Communications Officer Michael Zewdie that captures moments in a day at three Uniting Churches around the country. If you're at Assembly, don't miss the exhibition of the photos in the front foyer!

See the photos
Coming up tomorrow...
  • Agency reports from UnitingCare Australia, Uniting Church Assembly Redress Inc., Safe Church and Mercer
  • Cato Lecture by Rev Dr Grace Ji-Sun Kim, 7:00pm

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