Tuesday, July 16, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance

RNS Morning Report

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Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance

(RNS) — If Trump is elected, Vance would be the second Catholic vice president in US history — after Joe Biden.

National Eucharistic Congress, a Catholic mega-event, to kick off evangelization year

(RNS) — 'I have this sense that we as a nation are about to experience a profound breakthrough,' the Rev. Josh Johnson, an emcee of the congress, said.

Religious exemptions to Title IX on trial again in appeals case against US Dept of Ed

(RNS) — With the support of 19 state attorneys general, the Hunter plaintiffs are back in court to make their case against LGBTQ+ discrimination in religious higher education institutions.

How Pope Francis has threaded dissent from right and left to avoid schism

(RNS) — Despite Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s recent excommunication for schism, experts believe that an actual split in the church is highly unlikely.

RNS Opinion

Dr. Ruth was a Jewish heroine

(RNS) — How many people’s lives became richer and more joyful because of this short, sweet, funny Jewish woman?

God did not save Donald Trump

(RNS) — Did God save the former president, but not those who died instead?


Faith leaders, politicians invoke God’s protection for Trump in wake of shooting

(RNS) — Many also asked for prayers for the country as a whole and the polarized political landscape.

After debate, Black churchgoers often support but begin to question Biden

(RNS) — Black church scholar Jason Shelton says ‘a lot of African Americans are up in the air with President Biden post debate.’

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