Tuesday, July 9, 2024

RNS Morning Report: The Washington insiders helping Sean Feucht spread Christian nationalism in Congress

RNS Morning Report


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The Washington insiders helping Sean Feucht spread Christian nationalism in Congress

WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'It is time in America that we take back territory,' Sean Feucht said in a video promoting his efforts to build a base on Capitol Hill.

DoorDash delivers 100 million charity meals, partnering with religious, other nonprofits

(RNS) — 'If it wasn't for DoorDash really partnering with us, a lot of things that we desire to do for the community probably wouldn't come to pass,' a Chicago pastor said.

Why the Olympic Games are a ‘civil religious’ ceremony with a global congregation

(The Conversation) — Sporting events form a vital space where Americans display their ‘civil religious devotion,’ according to a scholar of religion and sports.

Oklahoma’s superintendent orders public schools to teach the Bible – sparking religious freedom controversy

(The Conversation) — State superintendent Ryan Walters has mandated that public school teachers incorporate the Bible into classroom lessons.

RNS Opinion

Eucharistic Revival and synodality

(RNS) — Synodality is about communion, participation and mission; so, too, is the Eucharist. Too bad the Eucharistic Revival is not.

Is the GOP the party of life and liberty no more?

(RNS) — Dobbs gave states power to deal with abortion. It didn't end the federal government's responsibility to protect life.


Bills to enhance religion in schools spur fights between faiths

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As lawmakers push faith-focused education bills, the statutes are facing pushback from an unexpected source: other religious people.

With National Rally showing strength in Sunday’s vote, French Muslims hold their breath

PARIS (RNS) — While National Rally leader Marine Le Pen recently said no Muslim citizens would lose rights if her party won, Muslim leaders expect the closure of many mosques and Islamic schools, the deportation of foreign imams and stricter bans on wearing hijab if Sunday's vote goes her way.

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