Friday, July 12, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Prominent ‘queer affirming’ theologian facing trial by Church of the Nazarene

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

Prominent ‘queer affirming’ theologian facing trial by Church of the Nazarene

(RNS) — The Rev. Thomas Jay Oord is accused of teaching doctrines contrary to the Church of the Nazarene.

Online spaces create community for spiritual yoga practitioners

(RNS) — Yoga churches, and the people who lead them, represent the evolving landscape of spirituality in America, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to create a supportive community for seekers of all backgrounds.

After debate, Black churchgoers often support but begin to question Biden

(RNS) — Black church scholar Jason Shelton says ‘a lot of African Americans are up in the air with President Biden post debate.’

Iranian American wrestling champion leads effort to develop singlet for conservative Muslim women

(RNS) — Afsoon Roshanzamir Johnston, the first American woman to medal at the world championships in freestyle wrestling, formed a committee to design a wrestling outfit for international competition that respects religious and cultural traditions.

RNS Opinion

The best rabbi I can be now is a journalist

(RNS) — Right now, as Jeremiah reminds us, the world needs truth tellers far more than a big hug.

The woman who skipped the Nova music festival on Oct. 7

(RNS) — She was supposed to go. She didn’t. Therein lies a story.


Students call for transparency as Cornerstone University guts humanities programs

(RNS) — Several former faculty told RNS that the changes include the involuntary departures of six tenured faculty who had already signed contracts for the next school year.

Artist Tobi Kahn receives ‘chaver’ honor, an ancient tradition with a modern twist

(RNS) — The German-Jewish title with ancient roots is granted to those who exhibit significant spiritual and material leadership in their community.

In Other News


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