Tuesday, July 9, 2024

E-ssentials: Audacious Hope Wrap Up, Centennial Event Map, and more!

That's a Wrap for Rendez-vous 2024: Audacious Hope!

Audacious Hope: 2024 Rendez-Vous Mosiac Bird Video Still

Audacious Hope, the national youth and young adult event, brought together over 450 energetic young people and passionate youth leaders from July 3-6, 2024 for an unforgettable experience at Brock University in St. Catharines, ON. With the combined efforts of The United Church of Canada Rendez-vous team and the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Uplift team, this landmark event marked the first-ever collaborative youth event by the two denominations.

Each day included inspiring and vibrant worship led by the incredible Adele Halliday and Mitchell Anderson. Attendees were captivated by a lineup of phenomenal speakers and workshop leaders, including the Moderator, The Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne.

This compilation from Audacious Hope celebrates the rejuvenated spirit and boundless optimism these young people bring to the church. With such audacious hope, nothing can hold us back!

Watch all of the Audacious Hope videos and more on our YouTube channel.
[Video still: The United Church of Canada]

World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism Meeting in Kenya

WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism in Kenya

General Secretary Michael Blair is taking part in the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism meeting in Kenya.

As moderator of the Commission, the Rev. Michael Blair reflected on the importance of grounding the work of the Commission in the life and reality of member churches. “This is an essential aspect of co-creating in partnership with God in God’s yearning to mend and heal the world,” he said. “Working in partnership means that we will not need to do everything or initiate everything on our agenda, but we can connect, convene, and curate.”

Find out more on the World Council of Churches website.

[Photo credit: World Council of Churches Commission]

Share Your Centennial Events On the New Event Map!

Map with a phone and pins of locations

June 10, 2025, will mark the United Church’s 100th anniversary—an opportunity to honour our past and look to the future!

Is your church community planning something special to commemorate this milestone? We'd love to hear about it! Submit your event details on our brand new Centennial event map!

Not only will your event be showcased on the Events page of the United Church website, but it will also be shared with your Regional Council staff. We can't wait to see the amazing ways you'll be celebrating 100 years of faith.

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

New Blog! Together in Partnership—Sumdol Hyanglin Church and The United Church of Canada

Reverend Kim Susannah (right) and members of the congregation welcome Emily Dwyer to Sumdol Hyanglin church.
During Pride Month, Emily Dwyer, The United Church of Canada's Government Relations Officer, reflects on her visit to a small but mighty congregation in Seoul, Sumdol Hyanglin PROK Church. This church has become a sanctuary for LGBTQIA+ people in South Korea, offering a place of love and acceptance for over a decade.

Dwyer's heartwarming account details her connection with Reverend Kim Susanna, the new minister, and the vibrant, inclusive community.

Read the full blog about Sumdol Hyanglin Church's inspiring work and The United Church of Canada's commitment to building bridges with global partners.

[Photo credit: Emily Dwyer]

Mission and Service Stories: Climate Justice through Cultural Movement

Students working on homework together
In October 2023, Mission and Service partner the World Student Christian Federation Asia-Pacific, worked with the Bangladesh Student Christian Movement to bring together 50 passionate students from various regions of Bangladesh to address the critical issue of climate change.

Your generous support of Mission and Service helps make workshops like this possible. 

[Photo Credit: Yowanda Yonggara]

The United Church Bookstore: Plan Your Fall Worship! 

The Season of Creation: Exploring the tree of life through scripture
July is here but we understand how quickly the summer can pass us by. To help hit the ground running this fall, we have a series of worship service packages from Together We Worship for the six Sundays of Creation Time as well as individual service packages available every Sunday for your worship needs.

Running low on supplies? Stock up on bulletins, candles, offering envelopes, and more! Visit the United Church Bookstore today!

[Image credit: Together We Worship]

Worship Resources 

See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations.

Eighth after Pentecost - July 14, 2024
Ninth after Pentecost - July 21, 2024
Tenth after Pentecost - July 28, 2024
Eleventh after Pentecost - August 4, 2024
Emancipation Sunday - August 4, 2024
Twelfth after Pentecost - August 11, 2024
Thirteenth after Pentecost - August 18, 2024
Fourteenth after Pentecost - August 25, 2024
Fifteenth after Pentecost - September 1, 2024

For more inspiring worship ideas and resources subscribe to GatheringWorship.ca
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Donate today.

Copyright © 2024 The United Church of Canada, All rights reserved.

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