Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RNS Morning Report: As Netanyahu arrives in DC, hundreds of Jews protest for arms embargo against Israel

RNS Morning Report

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As Netanyahu arrives in DC, hundreds of Jews protest for arms embargo against Israel

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The protesters wore red shirts reading ‘Jews say stop arming Israel.’

ERLC reverses course, now says Brent Leatherwood was not fired

(RNS) — The kerfuffle over Leatherwood’s status, which played out in competing press releases from ERLC leaders, is the latest controversy for the SBC’s public policy arm.

Robert Jeffress pledges to rebuild historic Dallas sanctuary after fire

(RNS) — Jeffress pledged to 'rebuild and re-create that sanctuary as a standing symbol of truth.'

Road to Majority conference showed how Trump plans to keep the Christian right close

WASHINGTON (RNS) — As the GOP pivots to an unpredictable general election season, the party is doubling down on its commitment to religious nationalism.

More than 200 Christian leaders sign letter calling for cease-fire in Gaza

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The letter comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the U.S., where he is expected to address Congress on Wednesday and meet with President Joe Biden on Thursday.

Amos Brown, pastor to Kamala Harris, known for civil rights, reparations activism

(RNS) — Vice President Kamala Harris has praised Brown, ‘my pastor,’ as a man who also has long been her mentor.

RNS Opinion

Eucharistic Revival and synodality

(RNS) — Synodality is about communion, participation and mission; so, too, is the Eucharist. Too bad the Eucharistic Revival is not.

Is the GOP the party of life and liberty no more?

(RNS) — Dobbs gave states power to deal with abortion. It didn't end the federal government's responsibility to protect life.

The Democratic convention is looking more like a papal conclave

(RNS) — The convention delegates are now free to vote their consciences like the cardinals in conclave.

Catholic Christian nationalism is having a moment

(RNS) — Christian nationalism has long been associated with white evangelicals. Now Catholics are emerging as some of Christian nationalism’s most muscular champions.


In small-town Illinois, a little church says goodbye

MOUNT VERNON, Ill. (RNS) — Ryan Burge, pastor and sociologist, has documented church decline for years. This Sunday, after 150 years, his own church held its final service.

Kamala Harris’ multi-religious identity is a map of the future

(RNS) — She would be the first presidential candidate with a diverse personal religious and spiritual history that is now far more representative of America’s multi-faith makeup.

In Other News


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